
71-Yr-Previous Grandma Convicted on All Prices by DC Jury After Praying in Capitol on Jan. 6 | The Gateway Pundit

A Washington, D.C., jury convicted Rebecca Lavrenz of Falcon, Colorado, identified on social media because the “J6 Praying Grandma,” of 4 federal misdemeanor fees Thursday associated to her participation within the Jan. 6, 2021, incursion of the U.S. Capitol.

The 71-year-old faces as much as a yr in jail and greater than $200,000 in fines, the Colorado Springs Gazette reported.

In line with federal court documents, Lavrenz’s crimes had been getting into and remaining in a restricted constructing or grounds, disorderly conduct in a restricted space, disorderly conduct within the Capitol Constructing, and parading, demonstrating or picketing within the Capitol.

Federal prosecutors stated in a courtroom submitting that cellphone information and video footage confirmed Lavrenz entered the Capitol at roughly 2:43 p.m. on Jan. 6, 2021, about 90 minutes after the conclusion of then-President Donald Trump’s speech on the Ellipse.

She then walked to the Capitol Rotunda and exited the constructing at roughly 2:53 p.m.

So Lavrenz had been in the Capitol for about 10 minutes. The DOJ didn’t accuse her of participating in violence or destroying any property.

Lavrenz informed the Gazette she was stunned by Thursday’s verdict, however she believes “God wanted it to turn out this way so my voice could be amplified. We have to wake up our country.”

In contrast to many Jan. 6 instances with quick jury deliberations, the 12-member jury on the federal courtroom within the District of Columbia deliberated her case for 26 hours.

“The deliberation was good because obviously at least one person on the jury was fighting for me, and many people have been convicted in the first hour,” Lavrenz stated.

She recounted to the Gazette that she felt led by God to drive throughout the nation to attend the “Stop the Steal” rally close to the White Home on Jan. 6, 2021, to protest the irregularities of the 2020 presidential election.

“The whole reason I went to the Capitol was to pray,” Lavrenz stated. “I didn’t get into this for myself. I was there to stand up for my country. God led me to go there and into the building to stand up for my First Amendment rights to petition the government for a redress of grievances.”

Whereas within the Capitol, she “felt God’s presence on me,” she stated.

In an emotional video posted to social media final month ahead of her trial, Lavrenz stated, “My own country is treating me like a criminal just because I believe that they stole my rightful president.”

“And just standing up for my country makes me a criminal, and it’s not right. It feels so weird to be here,” she added within the video, which she made in D.C.

The Gazette famous that if Lavrenz had been acquitted, she would have been the primary Jan. 6 defendant to have been.

In January on the third anniversary of the Capitol incursion, U.S. Legal professional Matthew Graves gave an update on the prosecutions.

“An important note when it comes to our prosecutions about those who remained outside the building: We have used our prosecutorial discretion to primarily focus on those who entered the building or those who engaged in corrupt conduct on Capitol grounds,” he stated.

However he added any who entered the Capitol grounds would possibly but be prosecuted.

The Division of Justice stated in a news release on the time greater than 1,265 defendants had been charged in almost all 50 states and D.C.

Of those, 1,186 had been charged with getting into a restricted space.

“Approximately 749 federal defendants have had their cases adjudicated and received sentences for their criminal activity on Jan. 6. Approximately 467 have been sentenced to periods of incarceration,” the DOJ stated.

This text appeared initially on The Western Journal.