
Zelensky within the US To Show ‘Victory Plan’ To Feeble Biden – It Would Provide Ukraine With NATO and EU Memberships, as Well as an Endless Supply of High-End Weapons | The Gateway Pundit

The United Nations’ General Assembly is gathering heads of state and diplomats from all over the world in New York, this week.

One of the main characters in this ensemble, as has been the case in the last few years, is Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.

He will bring his much-talked-about ‘victory plan’ to show it firsthand to enfeebled US President Joe Biden before he can present it to the other Ukraine backers.

As part of his plan, Volodymyr Zelensky will reportedly push US President Joe Biden to provide an official invitation to join NATO, as well as commit to a ‘sustained supply of advanced weapons.’

Zelensky thinks his plan will facilitate an end to the war with Russia.

Bloomberg reported:

Zelensky is expected to present the plan, which also requests a clear pathway to European Union membership as well as other economic and security arrangements, to Biden when they meet in Washington Sept. 26, according to people familiar with the matter, who asked not to be identified as the information is private.”

Zelensky curiously envisions an outcome in which the nation that is losing the war badly can set conditions for the opponent that is winning it.

He describes his plan as ‘a blueprint for how to force Russian President Vladimir Putin to seek peace’.

Kiev is also worried that a cease-fire without guarantees would leave Russia able to strike again whenever it wants to.

(Never mind that Russia has already stated that it accepts none of the conditions by Kiev.)

Zelensky has not provided details of this plan, saying that he must first present it to Biden.

He also means to discuss it with presidential candidates Vice Kamala Harris and Donald Trump, as well as members of Congress from both parties.

“’We will discuss all the details with the US president because some points depend on positive will and support of the US’,” Zelensky told reporters Friday at a joint press conference with European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen. ‘The plan relies on quick decisions of our partners, which should be taken from October to December. We need it like that because we think then the plan will work out’.

Zelensky has said the ‘victory plan’ will help lead to his earlier pitched ‘peace plan’, which includes Russia’s total withdrawal. That proposal failed to garner widespread support at a Swiss-hosted summit in June as many countries in the Global South, which have been ambivalent about isolating Russia, refused to endorse it.”

Zelensky also wants to hold a ‘second peace summit’ by the end of the year that would this time include Russia – that has already ruled out participation, by the way.

“Some of Ukraine’s supporters are starting to examine options for a negotiated cease-fire, Bloomberg News reported Tuesday. Amid those discussions, Zelensky has stuck to his earlier position that Ukraine cannot cede territory captured by Russia, one of the people said.”

Zelensky has been very vocal in his criticism of Ukraine’s partners this September over what he sees as their ‘flagging support.’

Russia, meanwhile, sees success all over the frontline and has stepped up attacks on the country’s energy infrastructure ahead of what is shaping up to be a tragic winter for Ukraine.

The Ukrainian strategically meaningless incursion into Russia’s Kursk territory – as well as Kiev’s insistent request to use US and UK weapons for strikes deeper into Russia – have raised questions from Washington and allies over Zelensky’s strategy heading into 2025.

“’Our job is to put Ukraine in a strong position on the battlefield so that they are in a strong position at the negotiating table’, White House National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan said Sept. 14, adding that the administration hopes to have ‘a conversation that puts all of the pieces together’.”

Read more:

During WW2, Ukrainian Nazis Committed Genocide Against 100K Poles, But Zelensky Refuses To Address the Issue – so Now Poland Plans to Block Their Entry in the EU Until He Does