During his visit to Vantage Plastics, a key player in the U.S. manufacturing industry, JD Vance not only emphasized the importance of supporting large domestic companies but also criticized the protests taking place outside the company’s facilities. Vance questioned the fact that, being already late on a Friday afternoon, the protesters were not working, raising his concern about the lack of a constructive approach to improving their situation.
Vance underscored the importance of revitalizing manufacturing in the United States, stating that initiatives like those of Vantage Plastics represent a model for rebuilding the national economy and providing well-paying jobs for citizens. Instead of protesting, he suggested that individuals should focus on jobs that would make a positive and stable impact on their lives. In his view, giving citizens the opportunity to be part of a thriving industry would be far more beneficial than demonstrating against the manufacturing industry on the streets.
Additionally, Vance called for a more pragmatic and realistic approach to solving social issues, pointing out that the country will not progress if people are not incentivized to actively participate in the economy through productive work. According to him, a society in which people focus on working, rather than protesting without a clear purpose, is what will truly contribute to both individual and collective prosperity. Vance argued that job creation and strengthening manufacturing in the U.S. are essential steps in ensuring a more stable and prosperous future for workers and the country as a whole.
JD Vance: «We have this great event, this great facility, a great business, and of course, great workers. And I’m sure we all saw that there were some protesters outside. And I can’t be the only one wondering, you know, it’s a little past noon on a Friday, don’t they have jobs? Who are those people?
And I think that’s one of the reasons why we need to rebuild American manufacturing and support great companies like Vantage Plastics, because we want those people off the streets and back to work. It would be good for them, and it would also be good for everyone else.»