
PATHETIC: CNN Defends Biden After Disastrous Tackle, Claims He Simply ‘Misspoke’ When Mixing Up Mexico and Egypt (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit

When you watched Joe Biden’s nationwide tackle, you might be possible horrified. The occasion was a catastrophe, with Biden yelling at reporters, forgetting issues as he claimed that his reminiscence is ok, and even confusing Mexico with Egypt when speaking about Gaza.

You’ll suppose that nobody might presumably defend his efficiency, however you’ll be incorrect.

Enter CNN. In a few of their reportage, they bent over backwards to defend Biden, due to course they did. What else might they presumably do?

On this phase under, contributor Kate Bedingfield, who used to work for the Biden administration says:

“Can I just say, I mean, on this point about Mexico, he misspoke on the name of the country and the context of the larger answer about what he’s doing to try to get humanitarian assistance into Gaza, so, is it a perfect answer? Is it great to misspeak? No, it’s never great to misspeak. I promise everybody on this panel right now has misspoken and said the wrong name or the wrong, uhh, you know, the wrong date in a conversation.”


They have been truly defending him earlier than the tackle even began. Watch:

There may be completely nothing that CNN won’t do with a purpose to defend Biden, regardless of how silly they appear doing it.