
Adam Schiff Needs to Save ‘Democracy’ by Abolishing the Electoral Faculty and Packing the Supreme Courtroom | The Gateway Pundit

Credit score: Fox Information

Rep. Adam Schiff has a brand new plan to save lots of ‘democracy’ by abolishing the filibuster, eliminating the Electoral Faculty and packing the U.S. Supreme Courtroom.

At this level, it’s fairly clear that when Democrats discuss ‘democracy’ what they actually imply is something that the far left likes.

Schiff making an attempt to current this as a protection of democracy is pure hilarity and he’s the one one who doesn’t get the joke.

Politico is definitely taking this severely:

Schiff would abolish filibuster, finish the Electoral Faculty in his pro-democracy plan

California Senate candidate and Congressmember Adam Schiff is looking for a serious overhaul of American establishments, together with eliminating the Electoral Faculty, increasing the Supreme Courtroom and eliminating the filibuster.

The sweeping coverage rollout, obtained completely by POLITICO, reinforces Schiff’s central pitch in his Senate marketing campaign as a defender of democracy, drawing on his high-profile roles within the first impeachment of then-President Donald Trump and the congressional investigation of the Jan. 6 assault on the Capitol.

Although most of the particular person agenda gadgets will not be new proposals for Schiff, collectively they current the fullest accounting of his imaginative and prescient to bolster America’s democracy within the wake of the norms-shattering affect of Trump. The bundle additionally lays down a marker for the Los Angeles-area consultant’s driving message because the race to switch the late Sen. Dianne Feinstein nears its aggressive March 5 main.

“I think our democracy is at more grave risk now than ever,” Schiff stated in an interview. “And it’s clear that that issue is going to be front and center — and needs to be front and center — on the national stage.”

Do they even hear themselves?

Somebody ought to get Rep. Schiff a e book about primary American historical past and civics.