
Alex Jones Claims Authorities Sources Affirm Joe Biden Wanders White Home Bare at Night time and is Drugged Up — Tucker Carlson Says Biden is “Pumped Full of Amphetamines” (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit

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In a current bombshell interview launched on Thursday by Tucker Carlson, media persona Alex Jones made ‘not-so-surprising’ claims about Joe Biden’s conduct inside the White Home.

In his dialogue with Carlson, Jones asserted that he has info from “government sources,” suggesting that Biden roams the White Home halls bare in the course of the night time, allegedly ‘unaware’ of his identification.

The interview coated a spectrum of points, but it surely was Jones’s allegations relating to Joe Biden’s nighttime actions that left essentially the most vital mark.

In response to Jones, he has inside info from sources he claims are linked to the Secret Service and others inside the authorities.

He asserts these sources have revealed that the President wanders round bare and “completely out of his mind,” and that his psychological state has progressively worsened over the course of his presidency.

“I was told that by the Secret Service and by people who, let’s just say, work with them. I’m going to leave it at that, but I actually have a contact for you. You’ll actually be able to hear it from them when this is over. I’ll let you hear it for yourself. I think they’ll tell you off the record. I think they’re willing to talk to you,” Jones informed Carlson.

Jones continued, “He is completely out of his mind. He wanders around for the entire two-and-a-half years. But it’s getting worse. Naked in the White House in the middle of the night, he doesn’t know who he is. They have to give him a bunch of drugs, a bunch of methamphetamines in the morning, then they’ve got to drug him at night. Sometimes he’s got to, though. He’ll be out for the morning for a while, and then comes back out at night for a ball. That’s when there’s a real problem.”

Throughout the interview, Carlson additionally claimed corroboration from a make-up artist, who purportedly confirmed Biden is “pumped full of amphetamines” to hold out his tasks.

“He is on drugs. I have established that. And I know someone who witnessed it. I’m not guessing at this. I know someone personally who witnessed him taking amphetamines. And this was during the 2020 election,” mentioned Carlson.

As of the time of reporting, the White Home has not responded to those allegations.