
Almost Half Of Home Republicans Voted To Shut Down The Authorities

Almost as many Home Republicans (106) voted to close down the federal government, as voted to fund the federal government with a brief time period persevering with decision and maintain it open (107).

CNN reported, “House Republicans were nearly evenly divided over the short-term funding extension, a sign of the deep rift within the conference and the challenges facing the speaker. One hundred and seven House Republicans voted for the bill, while 106 voted against it. Far more Democrats than Republicans voted for the measure with 207 Democrats in favor and just two opposed.”

The ultimate vote was 314-108, and sure Democrats did present roughly two thirds of the votes to maintain the federal government open even though they are in the minority in the House.

It’s supposed by the job of the Home majority to guide and govern, however Republicans have zero curiosity in utilizing their majority for governance.

Home Republicans are such a large number that they will’t cease combating with one another lengthy sufficient to do the minimal that their job requires.

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