
American Academy of Pediatrics Article Says Legal guidelines Banning Trans ‘Care’ for Children is ‘Medical Neglect’  | The Gateway Pundit

Emily Georges, Emily C.B. Brown, and Rachel Silliman Cohen of the Seattle Kids’s Hospital revealed a latest article  in Pediatrics, the journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), arguing that legal guidelines safeguarding minors from life-altering hormone remedies and disfiguring surgical procedure “amounts to state-sanctioned medical neglect and emotional abuse.”

The December article urged a “reframing” of the “discussion” surrounding such legal guidelines.

Additional underscoring their agenda, one of many article’s topics is listed as Little one Abuse and Neglect. Moreover, the search key phrases for subjects are youngster abuse, emotional abuse, gender, neglect, reframing, and gender identification.

The writers preface the article by saying they need to “refute the idea that gender-affirming care (GAC) [sic] is child maltreatment” and in addition  “demonstrate how withholding GAC is harmful to children and amounts to state-sanctioned medical neglect and emotional abuse.”

Lifesite reports: 

Referencing what the article calls “a dangerous trend of transphobia and prejudice toward transgender and gender diverse (TGD) children,” i.e. legal guidelines that reaffirm organic actuality, defend ladies’ sports activities and areas, and prohibit mutilating surgical procedures for minors, the writers argued that the legal guidelines “punish caregivers and physicians when they choose to support children.”

“They deny children access to routine health care that has been shown to decrease dramatically high rates of suicide and depression for TGD youth,” the authors mentioned.

Transgender identification itself — which distinguished leaders within the transgender medical area have acknowledged could be tied to “social contagion” — is certainly related to astronomically excessive charges of suicide and suicidal ideation. Analysis revealed in March 2022 discovered that 82% of people that determine as transgender “have considered killing themselves and 40% have attempted suicide, with suicidality highest among transgender youth.”

In a response revealed to the article, assistant professor at Baylor School of Drugs’s Division of Psychiatry
Kathleen McDeavitt slammed the premise.

McDeavitt wrote, “The authors state that GAC ‘does not cause harm’ and ‘decreases many negative health outcomes, including rates of depression.’”

“No relevant citations are provided for this claim. Although youth GAC has the support of the professional medical community in the United States,that does not mean there is no risk of harm.”

“Infertility, lack of development of genital tissue, problems with sexual functioning, psychosocial/cognitive delay, decrease in bone mineral density accrual, and the known side effect profiles of estrogen and testosterone (e.g., thrombotic events, cardiovascular disease, etc.) are all potential risks associated with the hormonal agents used in youth GAC.”

She provides, “Later in the paper, the authors reiterate that ‘GAC…entirely mitigates the increased risk of depression and suicidal ideation.’”

“In fact, there are multiple clinical research studies looking at hormonal treatment in TGD youth in which depression outcome measures did not significantly improve over time. In the largest such study, the depression outcome measure actually significantly worsened after initiation of hormonal treatment. It is also worth noting that suicidality research in this field is decidedly mixed.” 

“It is important for the health and well-being of children and adolescents in the United States that loving and supportive parents not be unjustly criminalized. However, this perspectives paper paints a complex and controversial issue as simplistic, and depicts circumspect approaches to care (i.e., any type of management that does not involve using hormonal interventions in TGD adolescents) as ‘abuse.’”

In 2022, comments leaked from the AAP by a whistleblower confirmed the academy’s efforts to silence their inquiries by these involved with the long-term ramifications of “gender-affirming” care.

The group a movement from 5 physicians that referred to as for a “rigorous systematic review” to rethink the coverage on treating kids with gender dysmorphia and in addition blocked the power for members to touch upon the decision.

The Daily Mail reported that one doctor complained members may “no longer trust the AAP” because of the decision being “removed” and acknowledged that “debate on the matter was silenced egregiously.”

One other doctor remarked, “There is NO open dialogue on these medical treatments by the AAP. “Input from the membership MUST occur.”