
‘America’s Rabbi’ Unloads on ‘Ignorant, Illiterate, Embarrassment’ AOC | The Gateway Pundit

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Visitor by submit by Bob Unruh 

Democrat makes use of Christmas message to say Jesus is Palestinian

The Christmas messaging from far-left “Squad” member in Congress Rep. Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, D-N.Y., has left her preventing off an outline for being “an ignorant, illiterate, embarrassment.”

It’s as a result of she likened Jesus, for whom the season is well known, to Palestinians.

Rabbi Shmuley, broadly described as “America’s rabbi,” cited her submit and stated, “Antisemite @AOC says Jesus was not a Jew, but a Palestinian. What an ignorant, illiterate, embarrassment to both Christianity, and the United States, who has never read a single page of the New Testament.”

Based on a Post Millennial report, AOC was on Instagram with a picture depicting a toddler on high of exploded rubble.

“In the story of Christmas, Christ was born in modern-day Palestine under the threat of a government engaged in a massacre of innocents,” she stated, evaluating the plight of Jesus, Mary and Joseph to these caught within the present army marketing campaign by Israel towards the terrorists of Hamas, primarily based in Gaza.

They invaded Israel and butchered some 1,400 civilians on Oct. 7, prompting Israel’s response, a promise to destroy that terror risk completely.

‘Mary and Joseph, displaced by violence and forced to flee, became refugees in Egypt with a new born (sic) waiting to one day return home. Thousands of years later, right-wing forces are violently occupying Bethlehem as similar stories unfold for today’s Palestinians, a lot in order that the Christian neighborhood in Bethlehem has canceled this 12 months’s Christmas Eve celebrations out of each security and respect.”

Truly, Muslims given management of Bethlehem years in the past have labored to change the boundaries, and authorities, in order that they’re actually accountable for your complete metropolis, and it’s by way of their work that the risk to Christians there has elevated exponentially, to the purpose Christian gatherings are sometimes in a bull’s-eye for violence.

The report stated she continued, “And yet, also today, holy children are still being born in a place of unspeakable violence — for every child born, of any identity and from any place, is sacred. Especially the children of Gaza. The entire story of Christmas and Christ himself is about standing with the poor and powerless, the marginalized and maligned, the refugees and immigrants, the outcast and misunderstood without exception. This high Christian holiday is about honoring the precious sanctity of a family that, if the story were to unfold today, would be Jewish Palestinians.”

The report defined Shmuley, a “nationally known religious figure that The Washington Post and Newsweek called ‘the most famous Rabbi in America,’” responded on-line.

Additional, Jacob Kornbluh, senior political reporter for The Ahead, famous, “AOC describes Israel as a ‘violent right wing occupying force’ in Christmas post. No mention of Hamas terror, the victims of Oct. 7 attack.”

AOC beforehand known as Israel’s response to the terrorism as “war crimes.”

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