
“Are You Kidding Me?” – Biden-Appointed Decide Rips DOJ For Flouting Hunter Biden-Associated Subpoenas Whereas Pointing Out Peter Navarro is in Jail For Similar Defiance | The Gateway Pundit

A federal decide on Friday ripped DOJ prosecutors for ignoring Hunter Biden-related subpoenas whereas declaring that Trump’s high advisor is in jail for defying a subpoena issued by Home members.

In September former Trump advisor Dr. Peter Navarro, 74, was convicted of legal contempt of Congress for refusing to adjust to a subpoena in Liz Cheney’s January 6 investigation.

Navarro didn’t adjust to the subpoena as a result of he stated Trump informed him to say govt privilege.

Hunter Biden blatantly defied a congressional subpoena and nothing occurred to him. He’s a free man whereas Navarro sits in jail.

US District Decide Ana Reyes, a Biden appointee, blasted Justice Division prosecutors for ignoring subpoenas issued to 2 DOJ attorneys within the tax division over their position in Hunter Biden’s federal investigation.

“There’s a person in jail right now because you all brought a criminal lawsuit against him because he did not appear for a House subpoena,” Decide Reyes stated, referring to Peter Navarro. “And now you guys are flouting those subpoenas. … And you don’t have to show up?”

“I think it’s quite rich you guys pursue criminal investigations and put people in jail for not showing up,” however then direct present govt department staff to take the identical strategy, decide Reyes stated, in keeping with Politico. “You all are making a bunch of arguments that you would never accept from any other litigant.”

Politico reported:

A federal decide tore into the Justice Division on Friday for blowing off Hunter Biden-related subpoenas issued within the impeachment probe of his father, President Joe Biden, declaring {that a} former aide to Donald Trump is sitting in jail for comparable defiance of Congress.

U.S. District Decide Ana Reyes, a Biden appointee on the federal District Court docket in Washington, spent practically an hour accusing Justice Division attorneys of rank hypocrisy for instructing two different attorneys within the DOJ Tax Division to not adjust to the Home subpoenas.

Final month Dr. Peter Navarro reported to jail for his 4-month sentence. He is the primary high-ranking Trump aide to be imprisoned by the Biden Regime.

A federal appeals courtroom beforehand denied Navarro’s request to stay out of jail.

The three-judge panel – all Obama appointees – included Judges Patricia Millett, Cornelia Pillard and Robert Wilkins.

“[T]he argument presupposes that privilege has actually been invoked in this case in some manner by the President,” the judges wrote in a two-page order, in keeping with Politico. “That did not happen here.”

US District Decide Amit Mehta, an Obama appointee, stated Peter Navarro should report back to jail pending his enchantment until the DC Circuit Court docket of Appeals blocks his order.

Decide Mehta barred Navarro from making the manager privilege argument after DOJ prosecutors accused the previous Trump aide of ‘hiding behind executive privilege claims.’

Biden’s DOJ has abused Dr. Navarro all through all the course of.

In line with Navarro, the feds put him in leg irons and threw him in a cell final yr.

Hunter Biden is a free man. He traveled with Joe Biden to Camp David for Easter and loved the White Home Easter Egg Roll whereas Peter Navarro rots in jail.