
Biden Border Disaster: Navy-Age Syrian Males Illegally Cross Into San Diego (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit

Joe Biden’s America.

Three Syrian males have been encountered by Griff Jenkins of Fox Information on the southern border. The invasion of illegals has spiked in Jacumba (east San Diego County) since Texas has locked up the border.

“Where are you from?” Griff Jenkins requested.

“From Syria,” the unlawful mentioned.

“Why are you coming to the US?” Jenkins continued.

“Cause we love America, and we need a nice life,” the unlawful replied.

“Come here for jobs?” Jenkins requested.

“Ya, a nice job,” the unlawful responded.


Syria is a rustic identified for its ties to terrorism but military-age males from this area are pouring over the border on Joe Biden’s open border invitation.

San Diego County has seen a rise of illegals coming via the southern border. TGP beforehand reported that in a single week’s time illegals from 73 different countries have been reported in San Diego.

In only one week, over 8,650 unlawful aliens have been caught within the San Diego sector of the southern border between January thirty first and February sixth.

There was a rise in Chinese illegal aliens crossing the border within the San Diego sector as effectively.

TGP beforehand reported {that a} Chinese language unlawful alien was crossing the border to “Take the Money.”


Within the final three years below Biden, there was an estimated 11 million illegals coming into the US.

That quantity equals concerning the inhabitants of 41 particular person states.