
Biden Destroys Trump At The State Of The Union

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President Biden got here storming out of the gate on the State Of The Union and destroyed Donald Trump.

Biden referred to as out Trump on Russia, “It wasn’t long ago when the Republican president named Ronald Reagan thundered Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall. Now, now my predecessor is, a former Republican president tells Putin, quote, do whatever the hell you want. That’s a quote. The former president said that bowing down to a Russian leader. I think it’s outrageous, dangerous, and unacceptable.”


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Biden nailed Trump’s election lies:

A lot of you had been right here on the darkest of days. All of us noticed with their very own eyes the insurrectionists weren’t patriots, they’d come to cease the peaceable switch of energy, to overturn the desire of the individuals, January sixth lies concerning the 2020 election and the plots to steal the election publish the gravest menace to U.S. democracy for the reason that Civil Warfare. However they failed. America stood! America stood robust, and democracy prevailed. Let’s be trustworthy, the menace to democracy have to be defended. My predecessor and a few of you right here search to hold the reality about January sixth. I can’t do this. This can be a second to talk the reality and to bury the lies. Right here’s the easy reality. You possibly can’t love your nation solely once you win.

Biden is taking over Trump and his lies whereas exhibiting the American individuals what he has executed and what’s at stake in 2024.

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