
Biden Glitches Out at Gaffe-Stuffed PA Rally: “Pennsylvania, I have a Message for You – Send Me to Congress” (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit

Joe Biden glitches out at Pennsylvania rally – thinks he’s operating for congress.

Joe Biden’s handlers determined to ship him out on the highway for a rally on Friday following his disastrous State of the Union Deal with Thursday evening.

Joe Biden used the bully pulpit to assault his predecessor and blame the previous President for his unpopular and depressing report.

We’ve by no means seen such a deranged partisan hatefest like what Previous Joe put us by way of final evening.

The speech clearly took its toll.  On Friday evening Joe Biden traveled to Pennsylvania for a small rally of supporters.  Joe was shot.

He’s by no means had such a confused efficiency. It was gaffe after gaffe.

Joe Biden requested the viewers to ship him to Congress.

Joe Biden: “Pennsylvania, I have a message for you: Send me to Congress.”

Joe Biden was by no means a US Consultant and left the Senate in January 2009.

Biden then instructed the group that our freedoms got here below assault on July the sixth? Huh?

If you happen to’re going to lie, Joe, it helps to maintain your dates proper anyway!

And Joe Biden admitted that just about each world chief has grabbed his arm, pulled him apart, and stated, “You can’t win again.”

Clearly, the world leaders are proper. Except, in fact, he cheats.