
Biden Places His Foot in His Mouth, Then Lies About Soccer Abilities in Remarks to Auto Staff in Detroit (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit

Joe Biden traveled to Metro Detroit to ship remarks to United Auto Staff in Warren in his first 2024 marketing campaign cease in Michigan.

About 200 protestors lined the street close to a United Auto Staff corridor in Warren chanting, “Biden, Biden, you can’t hide. Stop funding genocide!”

UAW boss Shawn Fain launched Joe Biden at UAW union corridor. Biden appeared round confused.


Biden put his foot in his mouth as he delivered remarks to the union staff.

He advised the union staff he “got through school” due to the “largest GM facility and the largest Chrysler facility outside of Detroit.”

Each of those amenities closed on Biden’s watch in Washington – as a US Senator and as Vice President.


Biden additionally advised the union staff he was the “runner-up in state championship football scoring.”

That is one in every of Biden’s favorite lies (he has many).

Joe Biden truly completed fifth within the “conference scoring race,” in accordance with the Daily Pennsylvanian.