
Biden Saves Himself From Tripping Up Shorter Staircase on Air Drive One (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit

Joe Biden on Tuesday almost tripped up the shorter staircase of Air Drive One as he departed for Nevada to shore up Latino help.

Biden will go to staffers at his Reno, Nevada marketing campaign headquarters earlier than heading to Las Vegas.

Latino voters are leaving the Democrat get together which might spell hassle for Joe Biden in Arizona and Nevada.

81-year-old Biden saved himself from tripping up the quick stairs on Tuesday. His handlers are doing every part to verify he doesn’t fall down.

It was not too long ago revealed Biden is sporting ‘boat anchor’ shoes for max stability so he doesn’t fall on his face.

He additionally makes use of the shorter staircase when boarding Air Drive One.

Biden virtually tripped once more.


Three years in the past right this moment Joe Biden fell exhausting 3 times going up the steps on Air Drive One.