Bill Maher
Screw ‘Y.M.C.A.,’ Dylan’s Got Our Anthem …
Everything IS Broken!!!

President Donald Trump might wanna sit down for this news, but “Y.M.C.A.” is not America’s unofficial anthem — not according to Bill Maher, who says Bob Dylan‘s got the perfect tune for our times.
Like a lot of people, Bill’s feeling pretty salty about nearly everything these days, and he unloaded on Friday night’s episode of ‘Real Time’ … using Dylan’s 1989 track, “Everything Is Broken” as a great American metaphor.
Government, health care, education, immigration, media, race relations — take your pick, ’cause Bill says none of it’s working!
He skewered all of D.C., regardless of party, and lamented the fact a country as rich as America is as unhealthy as it is … and really nailed it with this (punch)line: “It’s enough to make you sick, but you can’t afford it.”
The cost of living just about everywhere, but in particular, NYC, really makes no dollars and sense to Bill — and he points out … even IF you’re one of the “haves,” who can afford luxuries like Taylor Swift tickets and Whole Foods groceries, you’re still screwed. Ya just don’t know it yet.
As for immigration — he says, yes, our southern border’s flooded, but there’s good news about who’s staying in Central and South America!
Of course, Maher managed to put some positive spin on all this, reminding his audience there’s almost always a “reasonable centrist position” to deal with America’s issues.
But, until anyone adopts said position … play on, Bob!