
Christian Nationalists – Loving Their Neighbor and Loving Their Nation Since 1776 | The Gateway Pundit

US founders bow in prayer as they ponder the formation of the best nation in world historical past.

By Tom Renz – Lawyer/Writer/Analyst – and

Whereas I in all probability don’t deserve it, I’m going to dub myself the face of Christian Nationalism. I’m a Christian that’s pleased with my Christian beliefs, and I’m completely an America first nationalist that believes that America and her pursuits must be first on the earth. Because the newly self-appointed face of Christian Nationalism in the US, I’m livid. I’m livid that my religion is being misrepresented and twisted, I’m livid that the enemies of freedom are mendacity and misrepresenting my nation, and I’m livid that the purchased and paid for mainstream media is knowingly selling these lies.

Let me start with what Christian Nationalism isn’t. Christian nationalism is NOT what the mainstream media liars are calling it. In accordance with a chunk of journalistic rubbish revealed in Axios ( Christian Nationalism is tied with issues like banning books and educating faith in faculties. The propagandists behind the article failed to say that the books these horrible “Christian Nationalists” had been pushing to ban had been pornography they usually had been requesting that the aforementioned porn was present in faculties. Additionally they failed to say that the thought of educating faith was much less a couple of particular faith and extra about educating primary values of proper and mistaken that no society can perform with out.

Sure – Axios and their quasi-journalist author (Russell Contreras) actually know how one can misrepresent the info. The identical article went on to incorporate the highlighted gem under.

In some way, Christianity and American Nationalism are, within the opinion of the creator of this text, introduced as information centered on Race, even if America has carried out extra to finish slavery, segregation, and issues like apartheid than some other nation in historical past. Even if the nation that this creator is denigrating actually and rightly created a nationwide vacation to rejoice the best civil rights chief in historical past – Dr. Martin Luther King. Sure, in keeping with Russell, the nation that has a whole month devoted to acknowledging black historical past is a nation that’s represented by whiteness.

Russell then goes on to assert that Christian Nationalists wish to make some form of magical authorized proclamation that Christianity must be legally declared a Christian nation and we should always turn into some form of church-state. After all, Neither Axios nor Russell presents something approximating proof of this place, however why to let journalistic integrity get in the best way of an excellent story, proper? This text even goes as far as to recommend that Christian Nationalists by some means oppose democracy even if we are literally a republic and so that is totally irrelevant… however once more, it helps place the hit piece, and who cares about info?

Primarily Axios and Russell are selling the identical lies the remainder of the media is pushing. Whereas the query we should always all be asking is who’s behind the conflict on America and Christianity, I wish to transfer on to clarify why I so proudly stand as a Christian Nationalist.

Britannica defines a nationalist right here ( as: “nationalism, ideology based on the premise that the individual’s loyalty and devotion to the nation-state surpass other individual or group interests.” In different phrases, a nationalist would imagine that an American must be loyal to America and be an American first. Whereas this will sound disturbing to some I’d ask what’s mistaken with being loyal to a nation that stands for shielding the inalienable rights bestowed on all folks by the creator listed within the Declaration of Independence? Why shouldn’t I take a stand for a nation that has freed slaves and ended segregation globally, was the originator and has remained the most important supporter of suffrage in world historical past, has created extra wealth and technological development for folks everywhere in the world than some other nation in world historical past, and stopped folks like Hitler time and time once more?

The brief reply is I ought to, and in case you disagree, you solely have the suitable to take action as a result of your freedoms are protected by the nation you hate – proper, Axios? With that mentioned, let’s transfer on to Christianity. I’m a horrible Christian however pleased with my religion. I’m interested in all those that appear to hate Christianity a lot and which half they oppose. Christianity was based by a man who mentioned to forgive those that do mistaken to you, love your neighbor and deal with everybody as you’d wish to be handled, and don’t decide folks – solely actions. Which of those values is threatening? Is it, maybe, the implied fact that Christianity promotes freedom, love, and respect, and these values don’t align with theirs? Whereas I hope everybody finds their method to Christianity, I completely respect the completely inalienable proper for everybody to imagine as they select – which is the core tenant of Christianity (Jesus made folks followers, not slaves, and it was ALWAYS a alternative). I additionally look ahead to somebody explaining to me why the core values of Christianity are by some means threatening to America because it was based.

The underside line is that the one subject with Christian Nationalism is that there isn’t extra of it. If extra folks appreciated the nation that fought globally for equality and ushered in lots of the requirements of dwelling that our trendy age is based, then we may all work collectively way more successfully to proceed to advertise these beliefs. If extra folks handled others as they needed to be handled and liked their neighbor, issues can be much better in nearly each manner. I assume my query for Russell, Axios, and all the opposite leftists is, why do you hate America, and why don’t you like and respect your neighbors? In any case, if you’re an American that dislikes Christian Nationalism, that’s precisely what you stand for.