
Christian Teams Demand Apology From Politico Over Reporter’s Silly Feedback About American Rights and Christian Nationalism | The Gateway Pundit

Final week, a reporter for the liberal outlet Politico appeared on MSNBC and steered that for those who’re an American who believes that your rights come from God and never the federal government, that you’re a Christian Nationalist.

This was meant to insult all Christians, conservatives, Trump supporters, and the entire different people who find themselves despised by the left.

Now no less than two Christian teams are calling out Politico and demanding an apology.

Townhall reviews:

Now, Politico is going through formal requires an apology from two of America’s main faith-focused organizations: the Household Analysis Council and Catholic Vote.

FRC President Tony Perkins and Catholic Vote President Brian Burch fired off a letter Wednesday to Politico’s editor-in-chief John Harris, Politico CEO Goli Sheikholeslami, and Jan Brewer, the Deputy of CEO of Politico’s dad or mum Axel Springer, demanding an apology for Przybyla’s assault on Christians.

Saying Przybyla “demonstrated a disqualifying lack of knowledge of the United States of America’s founding documents and a prejudicial view toward American religious groups,” Burch and Perkins famous how Politico’s reporter didn’t acknowledge “that our own Republic was founded on the belief that our rights come from God, not earthly kings or government,” a revolutionary thought “clearly articulated in the Declaration of Independence.”

“Ms. Przybyla is charged with reporting accurately on American government, politics, and law,” the non secular leaders’ letter famous. “It is deeply disturbing, therefore, that she appeared unaware of the opening of the Declaration of Independence or to its references of ‘the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God.’”

Along with a woeful lack of awareness about America’s founding, Perkins and Burch known as out Przybyla for “an attempt to spread misinformation about Christians by creating the perception that they hold unique beliefs that pose a distinct and, in her words ‘extremist,’ threat to our country.”

Here’s a reminder of what Przybyla stated:

Politico ought to apologize for this however nobody will probably be holding their breath ready for them to do the suitable factor.