
Coterra Vitality: Accumulate For Oil’s Rebound (NYSE:CTRA)

Oil prices on global market. Crude oil Pumpjack on oilfield on sunset.

Maksim Safaniuk

Coterra Vitality (NYSE:CTRA) is a small-cap oil and fuel firm that focuses on its properties within the Permian Basin and at present has a market cap of $18.6 billion.

I final wrote an article about Coterra Energy on September 24, 2023, giving Coterra

2021 2022 2023 Q3
Belongings 19,900 20,154 20,101
Liabilities 8,112 7,484 7,304
Debt-to-Asset Ratio .41 .37 .36

2021 2022 2023 TTM YoY Development
Working Money Circulate 1,667 5,456 4,382 -19.6%
CapEx (728) (1,710) (2,134) 24.7%
Free Money Circulate 939 3,746 2,248 -39.9%

2022 Q3 YTD 2023 Q3 YTD YoY Development
Oil MBblD 86.4 93.3 8.0%
Pure Fuel MmcFD 2,815.2 2,855.3 1.4%
NGL MBblD 78.8 87.7 11.3%