
Dig the Backyard Upgrade information

In Dig the Backyard, Upgrades are a core part of the progression system, improving the rate at which you dig and collect various resources. In total, there are four distinct upgrade types that improve a different part of the excavating experience. You can perform these Upgrades using the Cash you earn by selling the items found while digging.

Here’s everything you need to know about the Upgrade system in Dig the Backyard.

How Upgrades work in Dig the Backyard

Upgrade menu (Image via Roblox)Upgrade menu (Image via Roblox)
Upgrade menu (Image via Roblox)

Upgrades are purchasable enhancements that tackle different aspects of your digging experience. You can upgrade your Shovel, Backpack, Energy, and Jetpack, all four of which are core pillars of your expedition.

Enhancing the Shovel increases your digging strength. This allows you to displace dirt at a much faster rate and hit the enemies harder, should you engage in combat. Since the Shovel is your primary tool, consider prioritizing it in the Upgrade menu over the other elements.

You can purchase Backpack improvements from the same menu to expand your inventory. Collecting and trading treasure is an elementary task, and the frequency of trips to and from the mine reduces the more you improve it. As such, Backpack Upgrades should be the next in line when purchasing such enhancements.

Since the stamina meter doesn’t replenish on its own, you must rely on consumables to refill it. You can reduce the frequency of relying on consumables by upgrading your Energy stat, increasing your maximum stamina. That way, you can dig for longer without having to return to the shed or use up your valuable Bloxy Cola cans.

Lastly, perhaps the lowest on the priority list is the Jetpack, which lets you fly upwards for a short duration. This can be used to access mine ceilings and escape to the surface if need be. That said, it isn’t as fundamental to the gameplay experience as the other elements, which is why you should consider getting the other Upgrades first.

Also read: Dig the Backyard: A beginner’s guide

Earning Cash quickly in Dig the Backyard

Selling valuables (Image via Roblox)Selling valuables (Image via Roblox)
Selling valuables (Image via Roblox)

Purchasing Upgrades requires you to accrue Cash, which involves collecting as many valuables as you can and bringing them back to the garage to sell. You will need plenty of Cash to get the enhancements necessary to keep your expedition going, so it’s important to get as much of it as possible. Luckily, farming money in this experience is fairly straightforward.

The items you salvage while digging through the backyard have a specific price attached to them. For instance, rocks sell for a single unit of Cash, while Gold can be exchanged for 30 Cash a piece. As such, we recommend prioritizing metals and precious minerals before collecting the less valuable ones.

Early on in the game, the most valuable salvage you have access to will be Iron metal found abundantly close to the very first checkpoint. You can go on a quick scavenging session for the metal until the Upgrade cost eclipses the amount of Iron you can find.

After that, you can proceed to the next area and repeat the process over again, looking for Gold, Amethyst, Silver, and other valuables. By doing so, you will be more than prepared to face the challenges posed by the later parts of the game.

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How to purchase Upgrades in Dig the Backyard

You need Cash to buy Upgrades for your Shovel, Backpack, Energy, and Jetpack, which can be earned by trading valuables found in the mines.

How to access the Upgrades menu in Dig the Backyard

The Upgrades menu can be found in the garage next to the cake.

Is Dig the Backyard available for free?

Yes, you can access the experience for free, with no mandatory premium charges.