
Elon Musk says Vivek Ramaswamy will shock in Iowa

Vivek Ramaswamy, the biotech entrepreneur, self-styled conservative firebrand, and long-shot Republican presidential candidate, believes he and Tesla CEO Elon Musk see eye-to-eye on many vital points, such as free speech.

And this weekend, forward of Iowa’s presidential caucuses on Monday night, Musk’s posts on X instructed not solely his help for Ramaswamy, however a perception that he’ll do much better within the state than polls counsel. 

“My guess is that Vivek will far exceed the polls when the votes are counted,” Musk posted, in response to a shared Fox Information video on Ramaswamy’s low ballot numbers versus the help that Iowa Rep. Steven Holt (R-Iowa) stated he was seeing. 

Musk additionally wrote on Sunday “I think you’re right” in response to an X person who posted: “I truly believe this Monday @VivekGRamaswamy is going to shock the world. This is going to be a major win for the country.” 

Musk additionally responded “Yes” when one other person requested “Do you trust Vivek Ramaswamy?” 

However expectations for Ramaswamy are low. In a current Suffolk College poll, 54% of 500 probably Republican caucus goers chosen former president Donald Trump as their most popular candidate, versus 20% for former South Carolina governor Haley, 13% for Floria governor DeSantis, and simply 6% for Ramaswamy.

Holt, nevertheless, stated “I don’t believe the polls,” including that a lot of his constituents have instructed him that Ramaswamy is usually not introduced as an choice on the surveys. “Iowa has delivered surprises before. We’ll see what happens,” he instructed Fox.

Ramaswamy has repeatedly defended Trump all through his presidential run, and has stated that he’ll pardon him if elected. His plan appears to relaxation on Trump turning into ineligible to run because of his numerous authorized difficulties, at which level Ramaswamy hopes to inherit his base.

Ramaswamy posted a photo of himself to X on Saturday with six followers carrying a shirt from his marketing campaign studying “Save Trump, Vote Vivek.” These shirts appeared to have irked the Trump facet.

Trump’s senior marketing campaign adviser, Chris LaCivita, responded to the post by calling Ramaswamy the marketing campaign’s “number one fraud,” including that “Trump doesn’t need ‘saving.’”

And Trump, who had kept away from attacking Ramaswamy, let unfastened in a Reality Social post, writing that “Vivek is not MAGA.” 

Ramaswamy responded to Trump’s put up by writing on X: “It’s an unfortunate move by his campaign advisors…I’m not going to criticize him in response to this late attack.”

In the meantime, Musk, who in August backed Ramaswamy turning into vp, famous that the GOP candidate appeared to have held extra conferences with Iowans than his rivals. 

“The power of an extreme work ethic,” he wrote, “is usually underestimated.”

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