
Even the Far Left Journal ‘The Atlantic’ is Ripping Harvard for Defending Plagiarist President Claudine Homosexual | The Gateway Pundit

Harvard President Claudine Homosexual is coming below rising scrutiny because of a severe plagiarism scandal.

It has gotten to the purpose the place even progressive shops like The Atlantic can not ignore the scope of it and are being pressured to name upon Harvard for accountability.

College students are held to stricter requirements than Homosexual at the moment enjoys and it’s apparent to everybody, together with the left.

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Liberal Atlantic magazine rips Harvard for not holding president accountable on plagiarism: ‘Betrayed’ its values

Far left outlet The Atlantic ripped Harvard College for not doing sufficient to carry its president Claudine Homosexual liable for her latest scandals, significantly her plagiarism scandal.

The Atlantic’s contributing author Eliot Cohen, who acquired his Ph.D. from Harvard and was a former administrator there, blasted the varsity’s board in a Friday article, claiming that it needs to be in a “tougher spot” for not holding Homosexual accountable for plagiarism.

He declared that Homosexual’s alleged habits, which he argued was “indisputable,” is “disqualifying” for her management position and that she wants to depart her workplace.

Harvard has been grappling with an avalanche of accusations that Homosexual plagiarized a number of previous tutorial works, together with her personal Ph.D. dissertations on the college. The college president had already been below fireplace after dodging questions on antisemitism on school campuses throughout a Home listening to on the difficulty by the Schooling and Workforce Committee.

Within the piece, Cohen famous how when he was employed as an assistant professor Harvard, after he was a Ph.D. scholar, “Harvard then took plagiarism seriously – and in one way still does, disciplining dozens of students every year for this gravest of academic sins.”

He described how college students discovered responsible of the transgression – “those who had lifted someone else’s language without quotation marks or citation – were bounced from the college for a year, during which time they were required to work at a nonacademic job.”

It is a public relations nightmare for Harvard.

Claudine Homosexual ought to resign. The continued protection of her by the educational left is destroying Harvard’s model.