
Even Trump’s Endorsements Are Backfiring On Him

Rep. Wealthy McCormick (R-GA) endorsed Trump however then spoke about how Republicans blew up the nationwide debt whereas Trump was president.

CNN’s Jake Tapper requested McCormick, ” Let’s take one difficulty: debt. Donald Trump the nationwide debt went up $1 trillion. What makes you assume he would do something about debt?”

Rep. McCormick answered, “We look at different parties and what we stand for. The conservative movement is about controlling debt. We did a horrible job at holding the party accountable when we had control of the Senate and the House and the presidency. That was my biggest concern and criticism of that administration. I addressed this, and I backed Desantis because I thought he took the debt seriously. For sure, Trump takes the debt more seriously than Biden. I think he has learned his lesson, and he is the conservative in this race, and he will do a better job on controlling debt and the Democrats.”


Trump simply promised that if he returns to the White Home, he desires even bigger tax cuts for firms. It was the Trump tax cuts for the wealthy and corporations that blew up the debt the last time Republicans were in charge of the government,

Trump didn’t study his lesson on the debt, but it surely speaks volumes about Trump’s weak point as a candidate when even the individuals who endorsed him criticize him.

President Biden got a glowing endorsement from the UAW on Wednesday, whereas the very best that Trump’s endorsers can provide you with is mainly, ‘Yeah, he sucks, but Biden is worse.’

Even Trump’s endorsements are managing to go improper.

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