
‘F*** OFF’: UK Zoo Offers With ‘The Curse of the Cursing Parrots’ | The Gateway Pundit

5 African gray parrots have been united by destiny. They have been previously all home pets, and every got here from a distinct family.

They have been all gathered by the Lincolnshire Wildlife Park. And, as they are saying… birds of a feather… all of them turned out to be extraordinarily foul-mouthed – or is it fowl-mouthed?

Some say these birds want to scrub their beaks out with cleaning soap.

Now, the park has hatched new plan to cease their potty-mouthed parrots – who are actually eight – from cursing, telling zoo guests to “f*** off.”

New York Post reported:

“Lincolnshire Wildlife Park revealed they are taking eight cuss-happy African Grey parrots — including five who went viral in 2020 — and grouping them with 92 “non-swearing” birds to enhance their language.

‘I’m hoping, above the overall noise of the flock, the swearing shall be drowned out’, the park’s chief govt Steve Nichols instructed [the press].

‘When we came to move them, the language that came out of their carrying boxes was phenomenal, really bad. Not normal swear words, these were proper expletives’.”

However the folks chargeable for the birds are conscious of a possible grave hazard: if all goes flawed, Lincolnshire Wildlife Park may find yourself having 100 cussing parrots!

African Gray parrots are identified for his or her acute cognitive skills (equal to a 5 12 months previous human) and spectacular ability to imitate speech.

“’Six of them have got men’s voices, two of them have got ladies’ voices and when they’re all swearing it does sound really bad’, Nichols said.”

The 5 birds have been quarantined collectively as a result of draconian lockdown mandates.

They in some way taught one another ‘a wide range of curse words and expletive phrases’.

“’People have come to us but they think it’s highly amusing, we haven’t had one complaint’, Nichols told The Guardian in 2020. ‘When a parrot tells you to f—k off, it amuses people very highly. It’s brought a big smile to a really hard year’.”

Now, these eight birds are nonetheless swearing like sailors, and must endure the newest experiment to attempt to cease the cursing utterly.

Or else, there’ll 100 loopy parrots cursing abruptly.