
Gold Star Father Put in Handcuffs for Protesting Biden Throughout State of the Union Over Lethal Abbey Gate Terror Assault in Afghanistan | The Gateway Pundit

A person recognized as Steve Nikoui, the daddy of Marine Lance Col. Kareem Nikoui who was killed within the August 21, 2021 terrorist assault on Abbey Gate on the Kabul Airport throughout Joe Biden’s retreat from Afghanistan that killed 13 U.S. servicemembers and about 170 Afghan civilians making an attempt to flee the triumphant Taliban, was arrested and put in handcuffs by safety on the Capitol Thursday evening after he heckled Biden in regards to the assault through the State of the Union handle. Listeners heard Nikoui name out “United States Marines!” and “Abbey Gate!” amongst different issues within the temporary outburst. Nikoui was reportedly charged with a misdemeanor.

Nikoui was a visitor of Rep. Brian Mast (R-FL).

A photograph of Nikoui in handcuffs was posted by USA Right now reporter Ken Tran, “The protestor who interrupted Biden and yelled about Abbey Gate after being escorted out of the House gallery was handcuffed. Source sent along this photo”

Video reveals Nikoui peacefully leaving the gallery when safety intervened:

Spectator reporter Matthew Foldi reported Nikoui was charged with a misdemeanor.

Foldi additionally posted an outraged response despatched to him by Rep. Derrick Van Orden (R-WI), a former Navy SEAL, ““If Gold Star families are being arrested and a member of congress [@JamaalBowmanNY] was not arrested for committing a felony, that’s not right.” #WI03’s @derrickvanorden to me on this”

Rep. Mast posted his approval of his visitor’s outburst, “For the last three SOTU speeches, Joe Biden REFUSED to say the names of the 13 U.S. servicemembers who were killed by his disastrous Afghanistan withdrawal. I couldn’t support this effort more. Say their names!”

The households of the fallen don’t really feel they’ve been handled pretty by Biden. On Wednesday, Christy Shamblin, the mother-in-law of Marine Sgt. Nicole Gee who was additionally killed within the Abbey Gate assault, appeared on CNN, stunning host Abby D. Phillip by telling her Biden has not spoken to her household in any respect and that the White Home has ignored their pleas.

Full interview: