
Home Republicans Are Humiliating Themselves Questioning Hunter Biden

Home Republicans are embarrassing themselves whereas making an attempt to dig up grime on Joe Biden as they query Hunter Biden.

Jamie Raskin: Home Republicans Assume Speakerphones Are The Satan’s Know-how

Home Oversight Committee Rating Member Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-MD) stated, “What we saw, I think, was a rather embarrassing spectacle where the Republicans continued to belabor completely trivial points. They seem to be obsessively focused on speakerphones and the use of speakerphones. I did not know that that was the devil’s technology, but apparently it is.”


Rep. Swalwell instructed reporters:

However what’s actually embarrassing, and I take advantage of the phrase secondhand embarrassment as a result of that’s what we witnessed in there, is that they’re so determined to humiliate the President that they began asking the President’s son private particulars a couple of divorce that occurred virtually ten years in the past. That’s the place this has been decreased to.

And so they’re doing all this, by the best way, after we’re simply days away from the federal government shutting down. We’re critically in want of funding for Ukraine, the humanitarian disaster over within the Center East, and extra safety and a broader immigration plan on this nation. They’re losing time and squandering the chance to try this as a result of they’ve by no means accepted Joe Biden because the President.

And now, on this final Hail Mary effort, they’re gonna try to pull off one thing. I promise you, previous this prologue, it’s not gonna work.


Home Republicans Are Determined And Embarrassing Themselves

Boss Trump gave his MAGA Home Majority an order. Trump desires President Joe Biden impeached. James Comer and Jim Jordan have didn’t ship for him, so Comer seems to be getting much more determined to search out one thing, something that he can use as a foundation for a presidential impeachment.

That’s the reason Republicans are obsessing about speakerphones. Comer thinks he can hyperlink Biden to his son’s habits by speakerphone, regardless that each credible witness who testified has stated that the President wasn’t concerned along with his son’s enterprise and didn’t discuss something associated to his son’s actions within the calls.

The nation has actual issues, and that is what Republicans are losing time and taxpayer {dollars} on. It’s a shame and why Home Republicans needs to be despatched again to the minority in November.

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