
Household Values Crew praises AGs Who Are Difficult YouTube’s Bias | The Gateway Pundit

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Visitor by publish by Bob Unruh 

Regulation enforcement officers accuse platform of ‘misleading’ statements

A distinguished household values group is praising a transfer by attorneys basic from many states to problem YouTube’s pro-abortion bias.

“I’m so glad law enforcement is calling out YouTube for its obvious pro-abortion bias against pro-life videos,” defined Jennifer Roback Morse, the chief of the Ruth Institute, a worldwide nonprofit that leads efforts to defend the household.

Previous reports doc that 16 state attorneys basic are calling out YouTube for “misleading” informational posts on abortion movies, warning that the platform is placing ladies at risk by minimizing the dangers of chemical abortions.

“Your bias against pro-life and pro-woman messages is un-American; inconsistent with the liberties protected by the First Amendment; and, in this case, illegal,” the attorneys basic mentioned within the letter, first obtained by The Daily Signal. “It must stop.”

The transfer is being led by Iowa Legal professional Normal Brenna Fowl, and likewise was joined by officers from Alabama, Alaska, Arkansas, Georgia, Indiana, Kansas, Mississippi, Montana, Nebraska, South Carolina, South Dakota, Texas, Utah, West Virginia, and Wyoming.

Morse defined, “At the Ruth Institute, we’re no stranger to those blue boxes under our YouTube videos, giving ‘abortion health information.’ Since we often interview pro-life activists, we see those obnoxious boxes frequently.”

She cited YouTube’s “false” info {that a} chemical abortion is completed “by a licensed healthcare professional.”

“Obviously, this is false,” Morse mentioned. “Chemical abortions are performed, not by a doctor, but by the pregnant woman herself, often at home, alone, and with no idea what’s about to happen to her.”

She defined, “The same people who have scared us for years over ‘do-it-yourself home abortions’ with coat-hangars seem utterly indifferent to the suffering of women from ‘do-it-yourself home abortions’ with minimally regulated pharmaceuticals.”

A video on the subject paperwork that about one in 25 of all ladies who take abortion chemical substances find yourself in an emergency room.

Fowl, in an interview with The Each day Sign, defined, “Women deserve to know the truth about the dangers of chemical abortion pills. For YouTube to attach deceptive labels to videos of women sharing their testimonies after suffering from at-home abortion drugs is a disservice to women everywhere. YouTube must end its blatant misinformation campaign that puts women at risk and quit targeting pro-life messages.”

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