
Ilhan Omar Speech on Representing Somalia in Congress Goes Viral With Calls to Expel Her From the Home | The Gateway Pundit

Somalian refugee Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) gave a speech to the Somali group in Minnesota on Saturday that has gone viral due to English translation subtitles. The translations have Omar saying she and her fellow Somalis are Somali first and Muslim second–with no point out of being American. Omar additionally mentioned she represents Somalia in Congress and instructed the viewers that they management the U.S. authorities’s Somalia coverage.

Outraged Individuals known as for Omar’s expulsion from the Home of Representatives.

Reporting on the speech is sketchy as to the placement, nevertheless a banner may be seen within the video with a partial date and site of “(Janua)ary 27, 2024…(Ho)tel Minneapolis”, indicating the speech was given in Minneapolis on Saturday; and Omar repeatedly addressing Minnesotans in her speech.

The speech additionally sparked controversy over Omar’s remarks about Somali ethno-nationalism and her expressing a want to reclaim land from neighboring nations and points with Somaliland.

Omar posted a response to the criticism on Sunday, “It’s not only slanted but completely off, but I wouldn’t expect more from these propagandists. I pray for them and for their sanity. No nation state can survive if its states start to get involved in land lease negotiations with other countries without the consent of the federal government. Somalis in Somalia and in the diaspora are united in that effort and I stand in solidarity with them. No amount of harassment and lies will ever change that.”

YouTube transcript of an excerpt of the speech (evenly edited for formatting):

Lots of people name me asking: Ilhan It’s best to speak to the US gov. What is going to the US gov do? My reply was the US gov will do what we inform it to do. We should always have that confidence as Somalis. We dwell on this nation We pay its taxes. It’s the nation the place your personal daughter is a congresswoman. So long as I’m within the congress, others won’t take Somalia’s territorial waters. The US gov won’t assist others to take what’s ours. So don’t fear about that pricey Minnesota. You bought your girl within the congress. She is properly conscious and really feel what you’re feeling. As for President Hassan Sheikh (of Somalia) I’m saying: we’re very comfortable due to you. Due to the nice work you probably did. You will have confirmed Somalis and others that irrespective of how a lot issues we have now as Somalis, we’re succesful individuals. We’re individuals who know their nation. Those who by no means of their historical past….(inaudible) those that their nation can by no means be put in peril. So need to congratulate the individuals of Minnesota and Somalis in every single place for sticking collectively (like my uncle mentioned). And likewise how all of you stood by our President As a result of he wants all of us to face by him.

Somalia is for Somali individuals. Somalia is one. We’re all brothers and sisters. Our land can’t be divided. There are different lands that we’re lacking which we’ll search insha allah someday. However for the land we acquired now it won’t be divided. So thanks all for honoring me and welcoming me at all times.

One other model of the speech with English translation subtitles was posted to X Twitter:

Response by events from Somaliland:

“While speaking to Somalian crowd, US congresswoman Ilhan Omar said, “As Somalis, one day we will go after our missing territories” in reference to somali inhibited areas in Kenya and Ethiopia. Please word Ilhan’s father was a navy officer in Siyad barre military who used her identical Somali irredentism ideology as a justification for committing the Isaaq Genocide. In the meantime, tens of hundreds of Ethiopian and Kenyan troopers are serving to Somalia to combat Al-Shabaab which Somalia can not combat even with billions of US tax cash.”

Somaliland International Ministry: “We were profoundly surprised, even shocked on discovering the remarks made by Congresswoman Ilhan Omar (D) of Minnesota in a recent public forum, widely circulated on most social media platforms and attached below for your reference. The language she employed was regrettably unbecoming of both the office she holds and the constituents she represents. Her expressions were lacking in common decency and revealed a significant lack of understanding of basic facts. Specifically troubling, were her endeavors to revive the once-violent and dangerous ideology of Greater Somalia or Somali Weyn, which caused so much death, destruction and conflict in the Horn of Africa. Furthermore, her use of ethno-racist rhetoric didn’t escape attention and left many, with a deep sense of disappointment. This was particularly bewildering for those who recall similar racist attacks she endured not long ago, of being ”not American sufficient” and was baffling to see her take an identical method and accuse your complete #Somaliland nation of “falsely claiming Somali identity.” Furthermore, her ignorance of #US – #Somaliland cooperation within the combat in opposition to terror and piracy within the Gulf of Aden & Gulf Of Berbera was stunning to say the least. We hope the home management and her caucus will pay attention to her public conduct, unbecoming a United States Congresswoman nor consultant of the august home she serves in.”

Individuals aren’t too comfortable both. Chaya Raichik: “Ilhan Omar hates America”

Lawyer Marina Medvin, “Ilhan Omar, an American congresswoman, tells Somalians that she is Somalian first, Muslim second, and… [no, American wasn’t even mentioned]. Oh, and she says that her primary job in Congress is to protect Somali interests.”

Journalist Alessandra Bocchi, “Amazing speech by Ilhan Omar. She’s proudly claiming Somalia is for Somalians, that their brotherhood is tied by blood, that Somalia comes first, that Muslims come second, and that she is using the US to protect her nation’s interests. Besides the blood and soil rhetoric which is virtually indistinguishable from the “white supremacists” she rallies in opposition to within the nation the place she was elected, she’s overtly admitting to unethical conduct in US workplace that’s tantamount to treason.

Good query: “.@SpeakerJohnson when will Republicans hold a vote to expell (sic) Ilhan Omar from Congress? She’s a traitor to America. Santos was expelled for less.”

Laura Loomer: “.@SpeakerJohnson How is it that you guys expelled @MrSantosNY George Santos from Congress, but you won’t expel this jihadist from Congress? She just admitted on video to working for another country, that is controlled by jihadists, from “inside the US System”. That is TREASON.”