
Ilhan Omar’s Marxist “Angry Black Girl” Daughter is Homeless and Hungry After Being Suspended from Faculty Over Professional-Hamas Protest at Columbia College | The Gateway Pundit

The Gateway Pundit’s Kristinn Taylor reported anti-Semitic Rep. Ilhan Omar’s (D-MN) daughter Isra Hirsi was suspended from her inordinately costly faculty after being arrested throughout a pro-Hamas protest at Columbia College final Thursday. Now, she’s homeless and hungry regardless of having a rich Democrat politician for a mom.

The 21-year-old Hirsi is a scholar at Barnard Faculty, which prices $90,000 per yr to attend. She calls herself an “angry black girl” with a communist hammer and sickle image in her X/Twitter profile.

Screenshot: @israhirsi/X

Hirsi revealed throughout an interview with Teen Vogue that she has no place to sleep or keep after being evicted from Barnard campus housing and barred from utilizing the eating corridor.

“I was a little bit frantic, like, where am I going to sleep? Where am I gonna go?” complained Hirsi. “And also, all of my sh*t is thrown in a random lot. It’s pretty horrible.”

“I have like four shirts, two pairs of pants,” she continued. “I don’t know when I can go home, and I don’t know if I ever will be able to.”

Hirsi subsequent informed Teen Vogue she is having hassle discovering meals attributable to her suspension from Barnard Faculty as a result of she depends on the varsity for her meals.

“I sent them (Barnard administrators) an email like, ‘Hey, I rely on campus for my meals, I rely on my dining plan,’ and they were like, Oh, you can come pick up a prepackaged bag of food, a full 48 hours after I was suspended,” she whimpered. “There was no food support, no nothing.”

Hirsi additional famous that she was zip-tied for a number of hours after being taken to 1 Police Plaza in Manhattan following her arrest.

“We had so many people who were born female in our group that they didn’t have enough space for us. It was a very slow process in getting everybody into the cells,” Hirsi whined. “I was zip-tied for about seven hours and wasn’t released for about eight.”

Hirsi additionally claimed Laura Rosenbury, the president of Barnard, was taking an excessively aggressive method to dealing with anti-Israel protesters in comparison with Columbia College’s president Minouche Shafik.

“I think it’s really on a school-by-school basis, and Barnard has decided to take a very egregious stand against us,” Hirsi stated. “I think that they feel like there isn’t a big limelight on them right now and that they have the ability to do this because Shafik was on the congressional stage and is actively being harassed about what she’s doing, versus Laura Rosenbury, who has the ability to skirt what’s going on.”

Hirsi will stay with out a residence and can presumably be hungry till Monday. She is meant to obtain a listening to date from the varsity then.

“They told us that we would receive a date by Monday at noon, so I’m basically at least houseless until then,” she said.