
Illinois Gov. JB Pritzker on Biden: “People Understand That it’s Joe Biden That Stands for American Values” (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit

Democrat Illinois Governor J.B. Pritzker was on CNNs “State of the Union” with Dana Bash on Sunday to debate Joe Biden.

He tried to painting Biden as somebody who helps American values. A majority of People would disagree.

“People understand that it’s Joe Biden that stands for American values,” Pritzker mentioned.


Joe Biden has proven again and again that he helps every part however American Values. Since his regime was put in, 10 to 12 million illegals have entered the US.

That quantity equals in regards to the inhabitants of 41 particular person states.

Along with willfully neglecting our border, the Biden regime and the Democrats have given precedence to funding Ukraine with American taxpayer {dollars}.

Governor Pritzker additionally claimed that Joe Biden is a “terrific debater.”

“Would you encourage Joe Biden to debate Donald Trump?” Dana Bash requested.

“Look I think we are used to having debates,” Pritzker mentioned.

He continued and claimed that President Trump lies always with out citing proof or specifics.

“Whenever I look at Donald Trump’s debating style, he lies and lies and lies and it’s so hard to respond to that in the middle of a debate,” Pritzker continued.

“I also think that Joe Biden is a terrific debater,” Pritzker continued.


Joe Biden’s cognitive abilities have vastly diminished. It will be troublesome for him to debate President Trump contemplating he doesn’t even know the place to face when he’s out in public.

“You want me right here?” Biden requested as he shuffled over to an enormous X taped on the bottom.
