
Iran says there have been no airstrikes, solely shot-down quadcopters

It appears like Iranian officers do not wish to beat the struggle drums any tougher.

One on the wires: “There’s been no airstrike in Isfahan or other parts of the country. They only made a failed and humiliating attempt to fly quadcopters, and they were all shot down.”

Different native stories:

– Drones, not missiles
– No goal hit on floor
– Air protection labored
– All regular on the bottom
– Supreme Nationwide Safety Council at present assembly
– IRGC air protection on alert

A US official additionally advised CNN {that a} strike was carried out in Iran however did not goal nuclear websites.

To me this appears like one thing that Iran can ignore and needs to disregard. I clearly acknowledge it is a harmful sport however there are lots of people on the market gripped by concern proper now.

Official TV can also be broadcasting this most-serene music you’ve got ever heard and this scene in Tehran: