
Jamie Raskin Tells The Blunt Fact About Donald Trump

Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-MD) in contrast Trump with Biden and known as the previous president a huckster, rip-off artist, who’s a hazard to the republic.

Raskin stated on MSNBC’s Inside with Jen Psaki:

They’ve ruined the Republican Occasion. It began as an antislavery, pro-freedom, pro-immigration, anti-Know Nothing get together. They usually’ve lowered it to a cult of authoritarian character the place Donald Trump, even yesterday, is participating in what is basically pro-slavery anti-union rhetoric, saying that Abraham Lincoln might have prevented the Civil Struggle by accepting the so-so-called Crittenden compromise, which was a pro-slavery-compromise-that-would have constitutional slavery all the time.

And that is what they’ve accomplished to the Republican Occasion. So it’s true. He’s obtained this. I’m rubber. You’re glue technique that when Joe Biden and the Democrats name them out for the authoritarian collapse of their get together, they are saying no, it’s you, it’s you attacking democracy. And we simply must exit and educate America about what truly has occurred and belief within the good widespread sense of the people that they will recognize in Joe Biden, , an honorable public servant who’s been dedicated to the widespread good his whole life versus Donald Trump, who’s a huckster, a rip-off artist, a pathological liar, and a menace to the republic.

Video of Raskin:

Raskin was proper. The Trump strategy is to mission on to Democrats what he’s doing. Trump isn’t destroying the Republican Occasion, It’s Democrats who’re destroying the Democratic Occasion. Trump isn’t a menace to democracy. Biden is the menace to democracy.

It will be foolish if the nation’s destiny wasn’t in steadiness. For Donald Trump, politics is about transferring on to the subsequent grift or the subsequent con.

The aim is all the time to achieve political energy as a result of energy is the trail to avoiding accountability and getting extra money.

It’s all a grift, a con, and in lots of circumstances against the law. Trump is keen to finish democracy for his achieve, and that’s the reason voters want to know the distinction between Joe Biden and Donald Trump.

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