
Jen Psaki to Nancy Pelosi: “What Do You Think Putin Has on [Trump]? It Sure Seems Like Something” | The Gateway Pundit

Final evening, Nancy Pelosi joined former White Home Press Secretary-turned-pundit Jen Psaki on MSNBC to assault President Donald Trump, implying that Russian President Vladimir Putin has one thing that “sure seems financial” over the Republican front-runner.

After implying that Putin was “probably the richest person in the world”, which can be primarily based on a Jan 2022 Forbes article that states no proof of Putin’s wealth in addition to a financiers perception, Pelosi asks “what does he have on Donald Trump that he’d have to constantly be catering to Putin?  Telling Putin to go into these countries…NATO countries.”

Pelosi then touts NATO’s success at stopping Russia stating “NATO is there to keep Russia out” after which celebrating 75 years of success in doing so.  The 12-member alliance began in 1949 as a collective safety settlement in opposition to the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) has since grown to 31-members, with 15 of these members being added after the dissolution of the USSR, a number of of which share a border with Russia regardless of then-Secretary of State James Baker’s 1990 promise of “not one inch eastward”.

Pelosi then appeared to have a Biden second within the interview when she states:

“And then we have what’s-his-name…I usually have him nameless…saying, um, he doesn’t support NATO, and uh, invit- encouraging Russia to invade NATO countries…”

Psaki appears to comprehend the 83-year-old former Speaker’s thoughts was slipping and covers with a Harry Potter reference, leaping in with “he who shall not be named…I know Voldemort well, so there’s another guy kind of like him.”  It’s unclear if Pelosi merely had a Biden second and forgot President Trump’s identify, which is sort of unattainable to think about for the reason that Democrats can’t appear to go a day with out murmuring “Trump” in some regard.

Pelosi goes on to verify what Psaki was implying saying “I don’t know what he has on him, but I think it’s probably financial…either something financial on him or something on the come.”

After the marketing campaign speech from President Trump that Pelosi is referencing, Germany agreed to satisfy their 2% agreed contribution to NATO.

TRUMP’S TOUGH TALK WORKS: Germany Vows To Spend Over 2% GDP in Defense ‘For Decades to Come’, Pressures European Allies To Do the Same

Talking of “something financial”, Congress is able to put ahead one other “bipartisan” overseas assist spending invoice, this time allocating $47.69 billion to Ukraine.  That’s along with the over $75 billion the US has already sent to Ukraine in money and tools.

Whereas the Russia-collusion hoax has been completely debunked by the Mueller report, there may be nonetheless an impeachment inquiry ongoing in Congress concerning Joe Biden’s involvement in his son’s enterprise dealings in Ukraine.