
Joe Biden Indicators Memorandum to Shield Palestinians within the U.S. from Deportation, “Giving them a Temporary Safe Haven” | The Gateway Pundit

Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) speaks at a pro-Palestinian rally outdoors the State Division in Washington, D.C., display picture, Might 11, 2021

Joe Biden signed a memorandum on Wednesday granting short-term safety to Palestinians in america from deportation, positioning it as a measure to grant short-term secure haven.

This directive follows the violent Hamas assaults on Israel on October 7, 2023, and the next army response by Israel, which has led to a considerable decline in residing circumstances in Gaza and surrounding areas.

Under is the memorandum for the Secretary of State Antony Blinken:

Following the horrific October 7, 2023, terrorist assault by Hamas in opposition to Israel, and Israel’s ensuing army response, humanitarian circumstances within the Palestinian territories, and primarily Gaza, have considerably deteriorated.  Whereas I stay targeted on bettering the humanitarian state of affairs, many civilians stay in peril; due to this fact, I’m directing the deferral of elimination of sure Palestinians who’re current in america.

Pursuant to my constitutional authority to conduct the international relations of america, I’ve decided that it’s within the international coverage curiosity of america to defer for 18 months the elimination of any Palestinian topic to the circumstances and exceptions supplied under.

Accordingly, I hereby direct the Secretary of Homeland Safety to take acceptable measures to defer for 18 months the elimination of any Palestinian who’s current in america on the date of this memorandum, aside from these:

(1)  who’ve voluntarily returned to the Palestinian territories after the date of this memorandum;

(2)  who haven’t constantly resided within the United States for the reason that date of this memorandum;

(3)  who’re inadmissible beneath part 212(a)(3) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) (8 U.S.C. 1182(a)(3)) or deportable beneath part 237(a)(4) of the INA (8 U.S.C. 1227(a)(4));

(4)  who’ve been convicted of any felony or two or extra misdemeanors dedicated in america, or who meet any of the standards set forth in part 208(b)(2)(A) of the INA (8 U.S.C. 1158(b)(2)(A));

(5)  who’re topic to extradition;

(6)  whose presence in america the Secretary of Homeland Safety has decided shouldn’t be within the curiosity of america or presents a hazard to public security; or

(7)  whose presence in america the Secretary of State has affordable grounds to imagine would have doubtlessly severe adversarial international coverage penalties for america.

I additional direct the Secretary of Homeland Safety to take acceptable measures to authorize employment for noncitizens whose elimination has been deferred, as supplied by this memorandum, at some stage in such deferral, and to contemplate suspending regulatory necessities with respect to F-1 nonimmigrant college students who’re Palestinians because the Secretary of Homeland Safety determines to be acceptable.

The Secretary of Homeland Safety is allowed and directed to publish this memorandum within the Federal Register.

The Gateway Pundit previously reported, citing a report from JNS, greater than three-quarters of Arab “Palestinians“ approve of the barbaric Oct. 7 Hamas terror attacks,  according to the first poll on the subject. 98% said it makes them feel “prouder of their identity as Palestinians.”

48.2% of respondents within the areas Israel gave up in 1995 for a never-fulfilled promise of „land for peace“ saw Hamas’s role as “very positive,” whereas 27.8% view Hamas as “somewhat positive.” Virtually 80% regard the function of Hamas’s Al-Qassam Brigades “military” wing as optimistic, JNS reported.

59.3% of the Arabs who name themselves “Filistin” (after the biblical Philistines) mentioned they supported the assaults “extremely” and 15.7% mentioned they “somewhat” supported the bloody killing spree.

Solely 12.7% expressed disapproval, with 10.9% saying they neither supported nor opposed the assault.

Three-quarters are so delusional they count on the Israel-Hamas battle to finish in a Palestinian victory.

After the top of the battle, 72% desire a authorities that features Hamas with Palestinian Authority chief Mahmoud Abbas’s Fatah. Which ain’t occurring.

98% of Palestinians surveyed held destructive views of america.

A ballot performed by the Palestinian Middle for Public Opinion (PCPO) back in 2014 discovered that 89% of Palestinians assist terror assaults in opposition to Israel. That’s fairly a majority.

The ballot results are:

  • (88.9%) assist the firing of rockets from Gaza at Israel.
  • (75.4%) imagine that the deterrence of the Palestinian Resistance has elevated.
  • (61.2%) of the Palestinians oppose the deployment of UN-multi-national forces in Gaza Strip.
  • (54.0%) are happy with the efficiency of Palestine-president “Abu Mazen.”
  • (64.7%) rated the stances of the UN Secretary-Normal Ban Ki-moon as “negative.”
  • (58.1%) are content material with the ICRC efficiency, (71.2 %) with that of the UNRWA.

One other ballot in 2021 discovered that 68% of Palestinians assist continued assaults on Israel.

Palestinians within the U.S., together with their supporters, have been staging protests and inflicting disruptions to the on a regular basis routines of Individuals.