
Jonathan Turley Reveals One Main Drawback within the Newest Hunter Biden Indictment | The Gateway Pundit

Constitutional professional and famous lawyer Jonathan Turley reacted to the most recent federal indictment towards Hunter Biden.

The Justice Division on Thursday filed new legal expenses towards Hunter Biden.

Hunter Biden was hit with a 9-count indictment filed within the Central District of California: Tax evasion, failure to file/pay taxes, and false/fraudulent tax return.

The indictment particulars a “four-year scheme” to keep away from the $1.4+ million tax obligations he owed between 2016 and 2019 and to file false returns.

If convicted, Hunter Biden faces as much as 17 years in jail.

The brand new indictment was handed down by Particular Counsel David Weiss after a sweetheart plea deal on tax expenses fell apart over the summer time.

David Weiss’s investigation into Hunter Biden is ongoing. The case was assigned to the US District Courtroom for the Central District of California Choose Mark Scarsi, a Trump appointee.

“Between 2016 and October 15, 2020, the Defendant individually received more than $7 million in total gross income. This included in excess of $1.5 million in 2016, $2.3 million in 2017, $2.1 million in 2018, $1 million in 2019 and approximately $188,000 from January through October 15, 2020. In addition, from January through October 15, 2020, the Defendant received approximately $1.2 million in financial support to fund his extravagant lifestyle,” in line with the indictment reviewed by The Gateway Pundit.

The indictment revealed (screenshot beneath) Hunter Biden was spending tens of millions of {dollars} on hookers, medication/rehab, ‘adult entertainment,’ fancy eating places and so on.

In keeping with the indictment, Hunter Biden spent $683,121 on ‘various women.’

display picture of indictment reviewed by this reporter

Jonathan Turley reacted to the latest Hunter Biden indictment and identified one main drawback: Joe Biden, the unindicted co-conspirator, was not even talked about.

“The steps taken by Hunter to evade taxes are impressive, but not nearly as impressive as the efforts of the Justice Department to evade any reference to his father. In that sense, the indictment itself is a marvel of evasion,” Turley mentioned.

The Burisma-Ukrainian cash

“First, the special counsel only indicts tax evasion that occurred in recent years,” Turley mentioned. “That’s because the long “investigation” into Hunter inexplicably allowed the statute of limitations to run out on probably the most controversial funds beginning round 2014 from Ukraine fuel firm Burisma.”

Hunter the international agent

“Also missing in the indictment is any charge against Hunter Biden as an unregistered foreign agent,” Turley wrote. “Recently, the Justice Department added a charge to the indictment of Sen. Bob Menendez (D-NJ) that he ran afoul of FARA, the Foreign Agents Registration Act. FARA also was used to go after Donald Trump associates such as Paul Manafort.”

“The problem with charging Hunter with FARA is obvious,” Turley added.

The unindicted co-conspirator

“By focusing on tax evasion alone, Weiss again avoids any direct reference to the focus of the influence-peddling used to raise these millions of dollars,” Turley wrote. “Even without mentioning the president, the implications of the indictment are devastating for the narrative and denials of Joe Biden.”

“The president has continued to maintain that he had no knowledge or interaction with these dealings. Those statements are clearly and knowingly false,” he added.