
Journalist Glenn Greenwald Destroys the Leftist Narrative That January sixth Was a Coup (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit

Glenn Greenwald will not be a conservative, not even shut in actual fact, however he’s an sincere journalist.

Throughout a current panel dialogue for Zero Hedge, Greenwald completely destroyed the Democrat/media narrative about January sixth being an tried coup.

Greenwald makes use of logic and the true definition of phrases to systematically dismantle each declare of the left. It’s simply brutal.

Townhall reported:

Glenn Greenwald Brutally Eviscerates All of the Narratives Peddled By the Left About January 6

The most recent narrative Greenwald is making an attempt to exorcise from the souls of liberals is that January 6 was an tried coup, armed rebel, or an rebellion. It’s an emphatic no on all fronts. Joe Biden is president, the army was not deployed, and Trump left willingly. All the traits of a standard coup d’état are absent, and the previous Guardian journalist slaps down all of the factors made by liberals Future and the Krassenstein brothers, Ed and Brian.

If there’s one critique of Greenwald, which could possibly be considered as a constructive or a detrimental, perhaps he shouldn’t comply with take part in a few of these debates. This one, held on January 7, had Alex Jones on the panel. It was a ZeroHedge debate, which is an attention-grabbing website, although one which, at instances, veers into territory that’s on the market. However that is America, and we have now free speech. And I tip my cap to Greenwald for not being afraid to debate any situation with anybody.

Somebody clipped Greenwald shredding all of the factors made by the Krassensteins and Future, aka Steven Kenneth Bonnell, a online game streamer, by photoshopping bruises and cuts on their faces each time Greenwald delivered a counterpunch:

Watch the video, that is nice.

Such a brutal takedown. Republican candidates would possibly need to research that video.