
Kevin O’Leary Goes Off on the Job AOC is Doing in Congress: ‘I Would not Let Her Handle a Sweet Retailer’ (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit

Kevin O’Leary of Shark Tank lately appeared on a podcast with Greg Gutfeld sidekick Tyrus and a part of their dialog was about Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

Whereas O’Leary praised AOC’s potential to control social media, he identified that her district appears to be like like a 3rd world nation and talked about the catastrophe she precipitated with Amazon early on in her tenure.

He finally concludes that he wouldn’t rent her to run a sweet retailer.

Townhall has particulars:

As Mr. Great mentioned AOC with host Tyrus, he pointed to “what an incredible, incredibly successful politician she is,” although he additionally added, “What a horrific manager she is.”

O’Leary additional mentioned AOC when it comes to her district, New York’s 14th. “Her jurisdiction looks like a Third World country, and yet she’s great at social media and making outrageous statements and getting $5 at a time on, you know, every way she can on social. Good for her. But wow, look what she did when Amazon came knocking for $10,000,” he mentioned…

Tyrus agreed that the Amazon debacle was an enormous deal, saying, “That blew my mind,” as he needed to know, “How do you survive?”

O’Leary was equally perplexed. “So, so why would you want to reward that?! Why wouldn’t you say, ‘Excuse me, could I get better management, please? I live here! I pay taxes here, and I’d like a job! And I don’t think you’re doing a good job for me as a manager! How about I hire somebody else,’” he puzzled. “That’s what I would encourage.”…

As Tyrus tried to debate AOC as a enterprise, asking if Mr. Great would “pass” on “Shark Tank,” O’Leary, with laughter made clear, “I wouldn’t let her manage a candy store,” prompting a “wow” from Tyrus.

Watch the video under:

AOC is a type of politicians who doesn’t appear very focused on doing her precise job. What has she ever performed for her constituents?