
KLA Corporation (KLAC) BofA Securities 2024 Global Technology Conference (Transcript)

KLA Corporation (NASDAQ:KLAC) BofA Securities 2024 Global Technology Conference June 6, 2024 1:40 PM ET

Company Participants

Bren Higgins – EVP & CFO

Conference Call Participants

Vivek Arya – Bank of America

Vivek Arya

Alright. Good morning, everyone. Welcome to this session. I’m Vivek Arya from BofA Semiconductor team. Really delighted to have Bren Higgins, Executive Vice President and CFO of KLA joined us, KLA is the most profitable company in semi-cap equipment and Bren will give us all the secrets as to how to make company the most profitable in their sector, but really delight to have you.

Bren Higgins

Yeah, thank you for having me. Good to be here.

Question-and-Answer Session

Q – Vivek Arya

What — I thought we could start with Bren is maybe at the high level, in ’22, you had an Analyst Day where you laid out the target of 9% to 11% topline growth, right, getting to $14 billion in sales and $38 in earnings. I was just hoping that you could maybe take a step back and tell us where KLA is in that journey and what needs to happen from an industry perspective, what needs to happen from a KLA perspective to kind of make progress towards that goal?

Bren Higgins

Sure. And it was an interesting time back then where we spent a lot of time talking about supply-chain challenges and shortages, the ability to ship to demand which was hard for all of us in the industry. I think we navigated it pretty well and then, of course, went through 2023 with a correction from our major customers, but cushioned by some of the dynamics in China.

But the plan we laid out to your point was 9% to 11% expectation for topline growth and we get there with a view