
Leftists Protest Chicago Mayor’s Plan to Evict Unlawful Immigrants From Shelters After 60 Days | The Gateway Pundit

Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson is now planning to evict unlawful immigrants from shelters after 60 days and the left will not be joyful about it.

There was a latest protest within the metropolis with folks holding banners that learn ‘no evictions.’ Maybe these protesters might take all the unlawful border crossers into their properties.

The media tends to give attention to the unlawful immigration disaster in New York Metropolis however the state of affairs in Chicago is almost as dire.

FOX News experiences:

Chicago activists urge in opposition to Mayor Johnson’s migrant shelter eviction coverage

As unlawful immigration continues to surge, Chicago turns into one of many newest cities to really feel the escalating results of the continued migrant disaster as Mayor Brandon Johnson prepares to implement a 60-day most keep deadline for immigrants housed in short-term shelters.

The windy metropolis will implement eviction processes starting March sixteenth.

Because the climate shifts to hotter temperatures, Johnson plans to enact the sanctuary metropolis’s 60-day coverage – however protesters gathered in Pritzker Park this weekend, advocated for a reversal of the upcoming plan.

‘The Chicago Tribune’ reported that folks on the rally had indicators that learn “Stop the Evictions” and “Brandon do Better” as these in attendance chanted “Refugees are welcome here.”

Miguel Alvelo Rivera, govt director of the Latino Union of Chicago who was on the protest, mentioned, “People are going to be forced out of shelter. People are going to the streets, and people are not given any direction as to how to sustain themselves, how to sustain their families. They want housing, but they can’t pay for it.”

The state of affairs simply isn’t sustainable.

How for much longer does the activist group assume the town can preserve paying to deal with and feed so many individuals?

You’ll be able to’t protest your approach out of actuality.