
Lefty Creator Stephen King Will get ROASTED on Twitter/X for Speaking About What ‘Proper Wingers’ Wish to Ban | The Gateway Pundit

PARIS, FRANCE – NOVEMBER 16: American author Stephen King poses throughout a portrait session held on November 16, 2013 in Paris, France. (Picture by Ulf Andersen/Getty Photos)

Horror creator Stephen King is a famous sufferer of Trump Derangement Syndrome. His affliction has been properly documented in recent times.

Like many well-known liberals, his TDS additionally extends to all issues conservative and Republican. He appears to rise and sleep fascinated with how a lot he hates anybody to the precise of Elizabeth Warren.

He lately posted one thing on Twitter/X speaking about what ‘right wingers’ do and don’t wish to ban and he received flamed for it, massive time.

Have a look beneath:

Isn’t it humorous when folks on the left declare to talk for conservatives? King received an earful of blowback for this…

Stephen King is insanely wealthy. You’ll assume he would simply go and luxuriate in his life on a seaside someplace, however no. Like all lefties, he’s not blissful until he has one thing political to complain about. It looks like he does this greater than writing books lately.