
Leo Hohmann: The Collapse of the American Empire | The Gateway Pundit

Globalists on a mission: Flip People in opposition to one another earlier than a overseas energy is named in to complete the job

Obama’s new Hollywood film may be very instructive: They’re telling us their plans

This text initially appeared on Leo Hohmann’s Substack and was republished with permission.

The globalists consider it’s supremely essential to totally and really publicly destroy the USA of America. Not as a result of America is a few bastion of freedom and democracy. It isn’t. Over the past roughly 100 years, America’s main establishments have been infiltrated and fully taken over: authorities, healthcare, monetary and firms, the mass media, schooling, legislation enforcement and the courts, the army, and 90 % of the church buildings and synagogues — all have come underneath the affect and management of the globalist agenda.

Some might consider they’re nonetheless related and unbiased however when push involves shove, the overwhelming majority of church buildings will capitulate to the globalist agenda of the Nice Reset, which is aimed toward digitizing each nation, each main establishment inside the nations, and each object residing and non-living. Management the meals, water, vitality and cash and also you management the folks. That’s what Agenda 2030 Sustainable Growth and the Nice Reset are actually all about.

Nevertheless, regardless of attaining such an immense degree of management, it’s nonetheless essential for the globalist elites to completely deconstruct and humiliate America, destroy its center class and produce it to its knees.

You might ask, why are they so intent on destruction in the event that they already management the whole lot?

As a result of most individuals all over the world nonetheless have the notion of America being a beacon of particular person freedom and prosperity residing underneath a constitutional republic. Take a look at how the lots flock to the U.S. southern border in hopes of being granted asylum. That’s an concept that have to be crushed and pushed out of the minds of billions of individuals. To perform that, the globalists should destroy the most important remaining image of particular person freedom — America.

Many of the higher degree globalists are Luciferians. To them, hate and destruction come naturally. Solely by destroying the American supreme of a constitutional republic (they’ve already destroyed it in follow) will they be ready the place the lots will beg for a brand new system that may declare to have all of the options to the crises enveloping the earth (most however not all of those crises have been manufactured by the very elites who declare to have the repair).

Increased Floor Productions, a Hollywood manufacturing firm funded in 2018 by Barack and Michelle Obama, launched a brand new Netflix film on Friday, December 8, referred to as Go away the World Behind, starring Julia Roberts and Ethan Hawke. It’s very instructive. America, portrayed within the movie as horribly divided by political, spiritual, racial and cultural points, will get hit out of the blue by a serious cyber assault. Embedded on this film is tons of symbolism together with three pictures of the quantity 6 within the opening scene. As society disintegrates, there isn’t any authorities to the rescue. Everyone seems to be on their very own. The general theme of the movie appears to be a seeting hatred for humanity. “We are all so awful,” Julia Roberts’ character exclaims. We’re terrible to one another. We’re terrible to the planet. Perhaps it’s greatest if we simply all kill one another? That’s what I hear this film whispering into the general public consciousness.

At one level, one of many main characters reveals a three-stage formulation for conquering a nation.

The primary stage is “isolation,” which included an influence outage the top of mobile and web communications. They even hacked satellites which stopped satellite tv for pc telephones from working. As soon as the communications and sources of data have been taken down, the second stage was launched. This stage included “synchronized chaos” the place the nation is terrorized with “covert attacks, misinformation and disinformation.” Leaflets have been dropped from drones main folks to consider the cyber assault was the work of China, Iran or North Korea, when there’s an excellent chance it was really brought on by globalist gamers inside the U.S.

“If done successfully, the third stage would happen on its own. Coup d’etat. Civil war. Collapse,” the character says, including, “This program was considered the most cost-effective way to destabilize a country. Because if the target nation was dysfunctional enough, it would, in essence, do the work for you. Whoever started this wants us to finish it.”

Paul Craig Roberts, a distinguished economist, journalist and tutorial, sees a parallel between the present state of America and the Roman Empire. The Romans had many overseas enemies, however what actually killed them have been the enemies inside. It will likely be the identical in America. The wolves who management our so-called “democracy” have been working to infiltrate and destroy it for many years, so when the wolves from China, Russia and/or Iran come calling, they may discover a lot of the laborious work has already been finished for them. All they should do is mop up.

Excerpt beneath from article by Paul Craig Roberts:

I’ve usually puzzled what Roman residents thought as they watched the Roman Empire disintegrate culturally, politically, morally, and militarily. Cicero, quaestor, praetor and Counsel of Rome, tried to avoid wasting the Roman Republic. For his efforts he was chased down and murdered. As Cicero was, maybe, probably the most well-known Roman, his homicide stopped efforts to forestall Rome’s descent into tyranny.

The identical factor is occurring at present to those that try and arouse us to our hazard. Julian Assange, for instance, has been imprisoned opposite to each recognized US and UK legislation for a decade with out conviction for merely doing his obligation as a journalist and reporting the crimes of our rulers, the crimes of the corrupt vermin we proceed to return to workplace and energy over us. Nobody has finished something about it, not even his fellow journalists.

When fact is punished, a rustic dies.

Rome survived for hundreds of years after its essence had departed, as a result of her enemies have been weak compared. Rome destroyed itself. As many or extra Romans died in civil wars preventing each other than died repelling barbarian invasions, Roman army may resulted in self-destruction.

The enemies Washington has created for America will not be weak. Russia alone, China alone, even perhaps Iran alone, is a match or extra for America. The three collectively represent an unlimited over-match of US army functionality. But Washington continues to extend hostilities with these international locations.

As soon as the moronic Biden regime’s financial sanctions and the US lack of the reserve forex function end off the US greenback, America is completed. We might be a 3rd world nation, and the remainder of the world will punish us for the sins of our authorities.

Attempt to inform this to an American. 

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