
Liberal Hollywood Celebs Are Throwing a Match Over Supreme Court docket’s Determination to Hear Trump Immunity Case | The Gateway Pundit

As you in all probability know, the US Supreme Court docket has agreed to listen to the Trump immunity case and liberals in Hollywood will not be taking the information nicely.

Rob Reiner and his fellow leftist vacationers in tinseltown are having an absolute meltdown on social media, calling the SCOTUS illegitimate and worse.

They merely can not management their hatred of Trump. They’re seething with rage.

Breitbart News reported:

Hollywood Celebrities Freak as SCOTUS Takes Up Trump Immunity Case: ‘F**k The Supreme Court’

The day after the Supreme Court docket dominated that it might take up former President Donald Trump’s immunity case, Hollywood celebrities seem to have acquired their marching orders — to smear and delegitimize the court docket within the thoughts of the American public.

With alarming ferocity, Hollywood stars try to gin up in style outrage, utilizing the ruling as a possibility to push the Democrats’ agenda of packing the court docket and singling out Justice Clarence Thomas for extra political persecution.

“Fuck the Supreme Court,” wrote Ellen Barkin.

“Thomas needs to be in jail,” rocker Steven van Zandt posted.

“Dems must push to expand the court,” CBS’ Two and a Half Males star Jon Cryer wrote.

See their determined tweets beneath:

It will be humorous if it wasn’t so demented and unhappy.