
LinkedIn Provides Tips on How to Promote Live Events [Infographic]

While LinkedIn is putting more emphasis on video, and in particular, its TikTok-like immersive video feed, the platform has also seen a rise in live events being broadcast in the app.

Indeed, LinkedIn says that LinkedIn Live Video events increased by 15.3% throughout 2024, and this element has real potential to become a significant part of the broader LinkedIn experience, more so, I would argue, than trying to align with TikTok trends in a professional setting.

Because LinkedIn users come to the app for professional insights and expertise, and broadcasting live industry events has more capacity to provide such than minute-long clips.

As such, it could be worth tapping into this trend, and broadcasting your own events in the app. And if that’s something that you’re considering, then this guide to LinkedIn’s Live Event Ads will help.

LinkedIn has shared a three-stage strategy for marketing live events in the app.

Some good notes. You can check out LinkedIn’s full live event marketing tips here.

LinkedIn Live Event Ads