
Main indices shut decrease for the day and decrease for the week

The three main indices are closing decrease each on the day and for the buying and selling week. The declines are led by the NASDAQ index. A snapshot of the ultimate numbers reveals:

  • Dow industrial common -190.91 level or -0.49% at 38714.76
  • S&P index -33.37 factors or -0.65% at 5117.10
  • NASDAQ index -155.37 factors or -0.96% at 15973.16

For the buying and selling week, the Dow Industrial Common was close to unchanged. The NASDAQ index was the weakest of the three:

  • Dow industrial common, -0.02%.
  • S&P index -0.13%
  • NASDAQ index, -0.70%

Trying on the small-cap Russell 2000 index it rose at present however was down sharply on the week:

  • Russell 2000+8.146 factors or 0.40% at 2039.32. For the buying and selling week, the index fell -2.08%

This text was written by Greg Michalowski at