
Main PBS Sponsor Funds the Abortion Business and Massive Media | The Gateway Pundit

Viewers who frequent PBS have heard the title of main sponsor, the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Basis’s incessantly.

The muse, nonetheless, helps extra than simply public tv; it’s a main contributor to the abortion trade in addition to funding different media shops,  journalism faculties, and different tasks.

Monetary partnerships between the media and abortion philanthropists is most definitely influencing how essential issues just like the sanctity of life are offered to the voting public.

Live Action delved into the foundation’s donations to Big Abortion, including:

The Middle for Reproductive Rights


  • In 2007, MacArthur granted OpenDemocracy $40,000. This left-leaning group, which as soon as referred to the abortion tablet as a “revolution for women’s reproductive rights,” has additionally published hit items attacking Abortion Capsule Reversal (APR) by falsely labeling the protocol as “dangerous” or “unproven,” even referring to girls who search out the therapy as “guinea pigs.”

Deliberate Parenthood

Deliberate Parenthood is by far the most important abortion company in the US. A search on the group’s grants web site signifies that the MacArthur Basis has contributed in whole over $2.8 million, as follows:

  • Deliberate Parenthood of Illinois: $90,000 (1991-2017).
  • Worldwide Deliberate Parenthood Federation: $2,220,000 (2002-2012)
  • Deliberate Parenthood Federation of America: $450,000 (1985).
  • Deliberate Parenthood of the Palm Seashore Space: $50,000 (1987).

The Inhabitants Council

To learn an inventory of Massive Abortion and Massive Media donations from The MacArthur Basis, read the full report at Live Action here.