
Male Amazon Worker Delivers Brutal Lesson to Violent Carjacker for Allegedly Assaulting His Female Co-Worker and Trying to Steal Her Van in NYC (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit

Credit: New York Post Video Screenshot

A male Amazon delivery driver decided to take matters into his own hands in the middle of a busy New York City street after seeing a helpless co-worker in the clutches of a violent thug.

The incident occurred last weekend according to the New York Post. The outlet also managed to obtain a tape of the working man’s courageous actions.

The footage captured by the Post starts after the alleged perp suddenly assaults the female Amazon driver while she was stuck in traffic last weekend. The Post reports the thug, who is dressed in all black, allegedly hit the woman repeatedly and then yanked her from the van.

Her male co-worker hurries over to defend her honor. He immediately starts beating the tar out of the suspect in the middle of the street, who tries to fend him off to no avail.

The woman then decides to intervene to separate the two individuals.


After the Amazon worker stops his beatdown, the carjacker hops into the Amazon van to try to abscond with the vehicle again. The Amazon workers successfully manage to drag the perp out.

The New York Post reports the carjacker was eventually arrested by police for robbery and assault. His identity remains unknown at this point.

Given this is New York City, he will likely receive a slap on the wrist or have charges dropped altogether. Meanwhile, the brave Amazon worker might find himself in the crosshairs of a radical-left district attorney.

Amazon says they have conducted their own investigation into the incident, which remains ongoing.