Marcus Jordan
Pleads Not Guilty
… In DUI Case
Marcus Jordan entered a not guilty plea in his DUI case on Friday, TMZ Sports has learned.
As we previously reported … Michael’s son is facing three charges stemming from his run-in with police earlier this week — DUI crash with property damage, possession of cocaine and resisting an officer without violence.
Jordan allegedly got his Lamborghini SUV stuck on train tracks early Tuesday morning after a night out in Florida … and when cops arrived at the scene, they claim he showed signs of intoxication.
Officers say they tried to get Jordan to take breath tests … but he wouldn’t cooperate.
Body cam footage obtained by TMZ Sports showed Jordan try to pull the famous dad card during the incident, but cops apparently weren’t impressed … and he was cuffed and taken to a DUI testing facility.
Once they got there, cops say Jordan was acting like a rude blabbermouth … and even had some music requests, asking they “play some Mariah Carey up in this bitch.”
While Jordan hasn’t spoken out on his side of things, he did thank all his supporters who reached out to him in the days following his arrest.
He’s due back in court in March.