
Mexican Man Pleads Responsible to Smuggling Unlawful Aliens into California Via the Sewer | The Gateway Pundit

A Mexican man has pleaded responsible to federal prices of smuggling unlawful aliens into California by way of sewer pipes.

Kevin Noe Campos Villa, 20, was arrested in January for smuggling seven migrants into the U.S.

In response to a press launch from the U.S. Legal professional’s Workplace for the Southern District of California, “when confronted by Border Patrol agents, Campos and three of the immigrants he was guiding ran to avoid apprehension. While attempting to escape, they fell into the Tijuana River and had to be rescued by San Diego lifeguards.”

“Sewer tubes between the United States and Mexico have grates to prevent individuals from illegally entering the United States,” the press launch defined. “During heavy rain, the grates are opened to let water flow through the sewer tubes without damaging the grates. Due to heavy rain that was occurring in the area at the time, the grates were open and Campos used the opportunity to smuggle the unauthorized immigrants into the United States.”

Campos admitted to serving to the group cross the border in trade for $6,000.

“This case is yet another example of transnational smuggling organizations placing profits over safety,” mentioned U.S. Legal professional Tara McGrath. “Thankfully, due to law enforcement intervention and the assistance of local lifeguards, all lives were spared.”

Campos now faces as much as 10 years in jail and a $250,000 advantageous. He’s scheduled to be sentenced on June 17, 2024, at 10:00 a.m. by U.S. District Decide Linda Lopez.