
Mich. Rep. Calls for Solutions from Governor, FBI, on Why Apparent Muskegon Voter Fraud Left Unprosecuted | The Gateway Pundit

President Donald Trump and Rep. Rachelle Smit

Last August, the Gateway Pundit exclusively reported that police reports from the city of Muskegon, Michigan, confirmed a left-wing outfit named GBI Methods was trying to fraudulently register as much as 12,000 voters in a metropolis with solely 30,000 individuals.

This report on systemic voter fraud within the 2020 election has by no means been refuted or debunked; it was merely ignored and suppressed by legacy media. The blithe reply from Michigan’s corrupt far-left Legal professional Common is that they ‘referred it to the FBI.

But all the knowledge is there within the Muskegon Police report, in addition to one other police report from the Michigan State Police, and but there have been zero prosecutions of these concerned.

Not too long ago, Republican Rep. Rachelle Smit and Rep. Jay DeBoyer of Michigan have demanded a solution from each Michigan Legal professional Common Nessel in addition to FBI Director Christopher Wray.

Rep. Smit accurately notes that the proof reported by the Gateway Pundit suggests there was an ongoing prison conspiracy to commit voter fraud within the 2020 election.

Right here at The Gateway Pundit, you possibly can completely learn their letters to Nessel and Wray.

FBI Director Christopher Wray

The Smit letter describes the continuing silence concerning the apparent case of voter fraud by Nessel and Wray as “shameful.”

Smit’s strongly-worded letters relate that it’s clear to her as an elected official that the conduct relayed in these police experiences “would have resulted in felony charges for any other individual” apart from the Democrat campaigners with GBI Methods.

Public experiences present that GBI Strategies and its owner Gary Bell is a multi-million dollar campaign arm of the far-left.

Simply as lawless Dana Nessel covers up 12,000 cases of voter fraud from the 2020 election by her ideological pals, Nessel continues persecuting the 2020 Trump electors for believing that there was potential voter fraud in the 2020 election.

Not solely have the local and state police experiences confirmed TGP’s authentic reporting, however photographs have verified the fraud, leaked discussions between clerks on private social media groups have confirmed the fraud, and even an intrepid unbiased journalist from New Jersey, Yehuda Miller, revealed suppressed interrogation videos that confirm the fraudulent scheme to register fake voters for the 2020 election.

Smit and DeBoyer are additionally former Clerks in Michigan, the officers charged with administering elections for native governments. Smit can be the Vice Chair of the Elections Committee in the Michigan Legislature.

Michigan Rep. Jay DeBoyer

Smit, amongst different champions within the Michigan Home for election integrity, introduced HR 165 last year to impeach far-left Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel because of her failure to pursue the Muskegon voter fraud evidence and reports.

Legacy media made a feeble try to ‘debunk’ TGP reporting final month however failed fully in this lazy Washington Post piece by Sarah Ellison. In it, she will be able to’t level to a single indisputable fact that TGP bought flawed in our reporting regardless of admitting she learn by means of over 40 articles printed by TGP on the subject.

Politifact additionally tried last August to ‘fact check’ TGP reporting, and so TGP fact-checked their bogus fact-check and by no means heard again. Politifact refused to reply to our requests for remark after we dissected their lies.

The FBI refused to reply to a request for remark.