
Microsoft Corporation (MSFT) BofA Securities 2024 Global Technology Conference (Transcript)

Microsoft Corporation (NASDAQ:MSFT) BofA Securities 2024 Global Technology Conference Call June 6, 2024 1:00 PM ET

Company Participants

Ryan Roslansky – Chief Executive Officer, LinkedIn

Unidentified Analyst

We are fortunate to have Ryan Roslansky here, CEO of LinkedIn. Ryan, thank you for joining us.

Ryan Roslansky

I feel like I should stand up.

Unidentified Analyst


Ryan Roslansky


Unidentified Analyst

Absolutely. Thanks for coming to the conference. We’re looking forward to the discussion here and a lot of exciting things that LinkedIn is in the middle of. So, thanks again.

Ryan Roslansky

Wonderful. You bet.

Question-and-Answer Session

Q – Unidentified Analyst

Great. Well, why don’t we just start, Ryan, on your role? You’ve been CEO for four years at LinkedIn. And maybe if you want to just talk about the evolution of LinkedIn under the four years? We could just start with just your role in general and your areas of responsibility for LinkedIn and how it’s been over the four years of your leadership?

Ryan Roslansky

That’s great. Thanks, again, for having me here today. Hello, everyone. Maybe for some context, I’ve been at LinkedIn now for 15 years. Been fortunate to literally work on every single part and component of LinkedIn. LinkedIn is a unique product. At the core, we run a social network, and then we run five distinct businesses through and around that network and have had the pleasure to both create and [Technical Difficulty] every single part of that throughout my tenure at LinkedIn.

Four years ago, Satya asked me to be the CEO of LinkedIn. It’s been quite a ride. We were acquired by Microsoft roughly eight years ago, and the thesis of that acquisition was to help LinkedIn grow by keeping LinkedIn completely independent. And it’s a unique operating model. I’m fortunate to attend Satya’s staff meetings on